Just love posts where somebody says "let's save money by not spending it on a military/war" whatever.
Of course, we could spend the money at home, where we need it. How about on rebuilding homes for those who lost them in Katrina? Or how about a home for everyone in the USA regardless of what they do for a living. No more homeless would be a good thing right?
Food for everyone.
Jobs for everyone, but only if they wanted to work, since we would be remiss to make anyone work for a living in our perfect society of light rail connected villages....
Let's reduce pollution by limiting the number of cars on the road, and make them affordable by further limiting them to only a few designs, say two. One little one for everyone, and one larger one for parades and powerfull elected officials.
sound familliar? It's the old Russia at it's best. Everything for everyone, but really only a select few had anything, and everyone else was fed lies and worked like slaves for those in power.
** Let's look at China, the last remaining larger communist state. On the exterior, in the larger cities where they are making and shipping goods to the rest of the world, China appears very modern, and in some respects, a great place to live. Untill you look just a little bit deeper, and also into the heartland of China. There the citizens are little more than cheap slave labor. The conditions are beyond discription in this short post. To say it's bad is a understatement of epic proportions.
Be careful that you don't wish a communist existance on yourself here in the USA. Socialism is alive here more right now than it's ever been, and the socialists are saying things like "Let's spend the money at home..."
Bio fuels are not cost effective.
Minearal hydrocarbons are plentiful, and NOT FOSSIL based. (Read "Deep hot earth" by Thomas J. Gold. Also articles in the Wall Street Journal on this.) We are not running out of oil anytime soon, we have however allowed ourselves to be duped into the idea that we are, and this keeps prices up, and us dependant on oil from the outside. (The idea is not to use the oil we have here untill the rest of the world runs out of it. Of course, this idea is based on science that is WRONG, so we are limiting our own oil production, and using the once cheaper oil from outside the country, which has put us at a pretty serious disavantage when gas is over 3.00 per gallon.)
Ok, end of rant, but please don't say shit like saving money by spending it at home on people who don't appreciate it, and will only want more free money if you give them any. (Like a mouse, if you offer it a cookie, it's going to ask for more and some milk next time.) Make it work for the cookie, and it will appreciate the next one, and the milk when it earns them.