Your right...buying real equipment to do the right job makes me a "hater". Hell I hate my car so much its not even funny. HATER HATER HATER HATER
I didnt know telling you to buy real equipment would affend you so much, all i see in this thread is a 16 year old with a spray can and budget non...
Always nice cause you can push more boost without detonation. My friend has a around the same, i think its 7.8:1 and the only time you notice it is when start from a stop, not super punchy but your port should help.
Ok the non mounting bracket piece is for placement on the motor, you can take off the entire housing and get the threaded tube that is needed as you listed or keep the water housing and screw onto the fitting thats there. The bracket piece has a thread so that the oil filter can be relocated...
Glad to see you back with the another project, you can get the proefi 48 unit for $1100 shipped with the sensors, pretty much like a AEM with the batch fuel but does not have the wasted spark ignition.
Ive read you jack up the front, bolt it onto one strut tower then the other you lower the strut a little bit and line up the bolts and then tighten it up. This is if my memory serves right.
Ya considering your going to go T4 stated in your other thread in the up coming months, why not buy a used local one...
Your saying your trying to do it cheaply, but your willing to spend 550 on that turbo that you wont be able to resell for a fraction of cause its a china made, and then your...
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