True, I don't know his skill level, but if he's putting the core in himself, he's got to have some abilities. That said, if he can send it to me, I will fix it and put it in my car. At least then we'll see if I know what I can do.
But your were trying to get out of fixing your ABS, and that's just a real bad thing to do on any car. I've read this thread, and it seems people are saying what they're saying in order to convince you to mend your evil ways.
Maybe you guys should calm down the rhetoric. First, when I saw this post, I did a search, and couldn't find anything about this other than the site that was linked to. It seems to be a tempest in a teacup. Secondly, the things you guys are saying, could be construed by the Secret Service as a...
I just checked the EPC for you. Next time, try it yourself. The part #'s the same for both transmissions, so yes, your short shifter should fit no matter which one you have.
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