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  1. Stretch

    Hypothetical Question/discussion

    It would make your car awesome. That's why drag racers ice their intakes/what have you so that they can squeeze every pony they can out of the small things, such as intake charge temperatures. eric
  2. Stretch

    Brand New 92 Front Bumper

    That really is wicked news man. I would LOVE to see the pics of this. Nothing cooler than walking into toyota and buying large parts for your 14+yr old classic. People will look at you and be like "wtf kinda car does he drive?" ahahaa eric
  3. Stretch

    Stretch's Digidash thread

    My dad's handling the board for me right now. I'll talk to him on Sunday to see if he got anywhere. I haven't done any work on the cluster since last update either. i did get a head I bought today, so I took it apart and sent it off to the machinist's to get cut/cleaned and maybe by the end of...
  4. Stretch

    Please explain the secret society that is SF

    This forum really is a higher class than SF. I frequent both each time i go to one, so i don't miss anything, but this forums is much nicer, more specific, and better helping. eric
  5. Stretch

    New to the board

    Nice car! Post more pics in the member's rides section for us to view dude! eric
  6. Stretch

    What's this?

    Ya I only added mk3 and 2. I was trying to keep it oldschool. It's good you showed that anyway loki, it's wicked awesome. eric
  7. Stretch

    What's this?

    Rally forever!!!! Here's an mk3 doing it big dog style! Here's an mk2, well several pics of the same car. Gotta love the toyota colours! erc
  8. Stretch

    What's this?

    That is a mistake is what it is. We all know drifting is for Nissans and old corollas ;) eric
  9. Stretch

    What bolt size do i need for engine stand

    M10, 1.25 thread. I would go for the strongest ones you could find, I found some super duty ones that were coated black, a 8.8 grade, I forget which scale that was on, but it was the strongest ones this fastener store had. Something like a 12.9 on the other scale. All the rest were not coated...
  10. Stretch


    Tte. He goes by the alias of "roy" eric
  11. Stretch

    Head Job

    Not unless there is something wrong with your stock ones. New seals, machine surface and you're good to go! Move out soldier!!! eric
  12. Stretch

    For those with a clip still, or who had one

    That would be great thanks tim. If I haven't found one by then I'll definately be interrested. eric
  13. Stretch

    I broke a sensor. help

    Not a problem bro, we're here to help. It sure was forever ago tho wasn't it ahahaaa! eric
  14. Stretch


    I think that needs to be changed down to 25 or something. It's so hard to get that many wicked posts nowadays when everything has been said and searching is the correct answer. eric
  15. Stretch

    rear end tries to get around in front

    Not fun in the rain tho. water = bad
  16. Stretch

    For those with a clip still, or who had one

    Let me say hey first off, I need a full, complete dash wiring harness and digital speed converter from your clip, if you still have it laying around. These items MUST come from a clip equipped with a digicluster for me to have any use of them. I figured you guys would be the perfect group to...
  17. Stretch

    Synth myths

    Ahahah true that joel. If you wana find out how good shape your engine is in change to synth and look for the leaks :icon_razz No leaks means good gaskets still. Seriously tho, i have heard nothing but good for synthetic oils, as the chains are always the same in them, where as in dino oil the...
  18. Stretch

    Stretch's Digidash thread

    Here's just a small update to keep any watchers from becoming bored with my conversion :biglaugh: I have done some fiberglassing on the left side of the cluster. I had to make this custom "pocket" to allow the depth of the board and all circuitry to fit correctly. It's the housing for the...
  19. Stretch

    HPF comes through again!

    This would be better suited for the buyer/seller feedback, or more specifically the HPF section of the site, but regardless, it's always good to hear you got the parts well in a timely manner. I always have time problems when dealing with hpf, but 7 days start to stop is excellent! Enjoy the...
  20. Stretch


    This is off topic damn it! You all know better! eric