th1s 1s g01ng t0 be hard... nny ceyb0ard 1s s0 screwed that 1 can't wr1te any 1etters c0rrect1y. d0es any 1 have any adv1se f0r nne.
0n1y the 1eft s1de w0rcs. 91ease he19 nne. 1t 1s a 1a9t09.
1 h09e y0v gvys can he19 nne.
th1s svx.
- 1a2e, that was sv990sed t0 be nny nanne...
0n1y the 1eft s1de w0rcs. 91ease he19 nne. 1t 1s a 1a9t09.
1 h09e y0v gvys can he19 nne.
th1s svx.
- 1a2e, that was sv990sed t0 be nny nanne...