Search results

  1. Loki

    Supra90turbo's build thread

    I now have a working computer, but no AIM so I can't talk to your loser ass :(
  2. Loki

    Supra90turbo's build thread

    Worst rebuild thread......evar........
  3. Loki

    Kwnate's "FTW" build

    Holy shit! I haven't had a computer for 2 weeks and that's all you've gotten done!? jeeze Nate.....I'm disapointed in you...
  4. Loki

    St patricks day

    I'm not Irish but I'll be drinking later tonight.
  5. Loki

    Happy Birthday GrimJack

    Happy Birthday Dave!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Loki

    SupraFest 2006...

    I'd rather have the meet in Kelowna, but oh well. I'll go to where ever it's being held.
  7. Loki

    grocery getter

    I'd rock that.
  8. Loki

    pics of the mustang

    Nice Stang, I wouldn't mind having one with a blower on it for my daily driver :)
  9. Loki

    For all you wondering how to pronounce my screename!

    Mine is pronounced Loki...really not hard. Joe your new avatar rocks :rofl:
  10. Loki

    Supra Key Chain... interest?

    I'd be down for a blue one, that is awesome.
  11. Loki


    Photobucket has video hosting now!?!?!?!?!? :icon_surp :icon_surp nice, now if I could only get my home computer fixed :cry:
  12. Loki

    Supra Key Chain... interest?

    I'd probably be down for one.
  13. Loki

    No rear-side markers in JDM mouldings!?

    I have some of those, I'll trade them to you for you know what :)
  14. Loki

    What are you listening to right now?

    T*A*N*D!!! Tiger Army rocks so much :crazy1: It's Time To Dance - Panic! at the Disco.
  15. Loki

    Post your best Pic

    I'm pretty sure it's a suitcase, I wasn't there so I'm not completly sure but that's what it looks like in the full sized version of the pic.
  16. Loki

    Supra owners are special....

    I really hate when big trucks are driving behind me anywhere, my car is so low there lights shine right in the back window and even flipping the mirror doesn't always help. It still shines in your side mirrors and it's annoying, I never go through drive thru's but if I did, or if I do I'll...
  17. Loki

    My first Auto-X

    How much horsepower does the crooked license plate add?
  18. Loki

    What are you listening to right now?

    Thursday rocks, I may need to add some into my new playlist :)
  19. Loki

    No N/A in Canada for 91-92

    I've seen homo blue cars in Canada, but never one that wasn't an American car. There was one for sale out in Kelowna, my friend went and looked at it. I believe it was an 88T and it was an American car. There was one for sale on AutoTrader out in Ontario when I was looking for a new car, and it...