I swapped the sensors over from my old motor to the new one, because the wiring harness wouldn't plug into the ones on the motor. My car is a '89 and the wiring harness that came with the motor had the yellow ECU connectors on it. If my harness wouldn't plug into the sensor or whatever it was I...
It'll sit down at the bottom and then as the car starts to heat up it starts to rise up. Instead of stoping half way up like it usually does it just keeps going and goes all the way to the top, past the H. The guage moves like normal it just keeps going :icon_conf
I'm pretty sure I have all...
As far as I know the coolant temp sensor works. I had to swap it over off my old motor to the new one because the plugs were different. I'm pretty sure the wires are on the correct plugs, one of the ends ripped off but I changed how they were attached and then the temp gauge wouldn't move at all...
Well I got my supposed JDM motor for my car last week. The motor was an earlier motor, so I swapped some things out and changed things around to make it drop in. Got the motor all dropped in and connected up, car fired right up but as soon as the temp gauge starts to move as it heats up it just...
DDP is the best thing I've bought for my car. The noise really isn't that bad, and if you don't like the sound all the time you don't have to hear it all the time. I can drive around all day long and not get the wastegate to open at all, but where is the fun in that? ;)
First off that song rocks. I'm turning 21 end of this month and I know the feeling. Everyone bugs me and tells me to go to college but right now I don't want too and anyways I have no idea what I would take if I did go. I wanna do something I enjoy doing, not something that'll just be a job...
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