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  1. K

    Supra90turbo's build thread

    There i gave your thread 5 stars. I'm sorry I neglected your subframe, it looks like sex!! Very nice. Forgive me?
  2. K

    Finally Jessica ALBA NAKED!! NWS

    that wasn't very nice :cry:
  3. K

    SUPRAMANIA theme song

    Kenny Loggins- Highway to the Dangerzone. Duh...
  4. K


    May be you could reverse it to translate from AOLer to english as many people don't need the translator.
  5. K

    Lady Punch!

    Thats so yesterday... She got rocked and I watched it many times.
  6. K

    Beware of Rocket Scientist

    I like the far side, that rocket scientist one just did nothing for me... Not going to like em all.
  7. K

    Reign Maker, I'm calling you out.

    Good stuff, this should be entertaining!
  8. K

    how do i get this ricer to leave me alone? *long post

    Stop going to ricer hangouts :icon_bigg
  9. K

    Beware of Rocket Scientist

  10. K

    are all civic owners stupid

    WOW! Am I missing something here:aigo: Driving in reverse doesn't make it RWD!?! :1zhelp:
  11. K

    are all civic owners stupid

    LOL, I'm going to use that one if you don't mind :)
  12. K

    Supra90turbo's build thread

    Hell yeah, now I'm famous or something :icon_bigg
  13. K

    raced a z28 camaro

  14. K

    My new Myspace.

    No thanks, can you link me to your girlfriends myspace though? :icon_bigg
  15. K

    are all civic owners stupid

    My girlfriend has one, she gets 30mpg I drive an suv with a 6 liter and get 13mpg. Who's stupid now :biglaugh:
  16. K

    Supra90turbo's build thread

    He is crazy in general! I love taking stuff apart, putting it back can be a bitch sometimes... Looks good!
  17. K

    2.5 JDM Steering Wheel Here's a pic, I have the center cover. Still not sure if I'll use it...
  18. K

    This guy's going places.

    A little searching and I found an updated video of how he's doing Not good...
  19. K

    Centralia WA - and Supras

    Looks like it was a great turn out, and the weather looks like it played nice too! Wish I coulda been there. Oh well, the sunny season is just beginning.