General MKIII Discussion: Discuss everything relating to the MKIII that isn't technical engine talk. That would include this. No big deal tho.
Anyways, if you choose to go with a rewire, feel free to PM me with any questions, I wrote that thread.
It would be nice if people take content from SupraMania and post it verbatim on other forums to at least credit the author :nono:
just kidding oneJ, thats fucked up.
If you cant get the failure box to work, heres how to remove it:
FYI: this should be in the General MKIII discussion and not the 7MGTE Tech
Lol, i dont think its an egg lol, its just egg shaped. Who knows, though, it definitely wasn't a zit and im pretty sure it wasnt a syst either. at least its out now!
1) Hypothetical or not this is a calcuator question, learn to use one.
2)First you said nothing was shaved and now your head and block have been machined.
3)Your head and block have been machined? I thought this wa Hypothetical, stop contradicting yourself.
4)You didnt give us the info we...
The following story is not for people easily grossed out!
So a few months ago my mom noticed a mole on my back. She pays attention to these things because she thinks moles=cancer. This was a new mole that hadn't been there before.
Jump forward to a few weeks ago. My buddys truck is parked...
877m mentioned a stuck caliper (which would warp a rotor) but noone really followed up with it. Rotors can look/feel good and still be warped. If the vibration was caused by the rotor and its not starting to do it until like 70 theyre only slightly warped and you would need to measure runout...
Try revving it up manually at the throttle body. Might have a pinhole in a coolant hose going to your turbo. Happened to me, doesnt leak at idle, but when you rev it up the water pressure goes up and sprays the manifold. If it is get it taken care of right away cuz that hose can burst at any...
These are the questions that you need to do a search for. We will help you but you gotta help yourself. When we tell you something you need to try to figure it out for yourself and then come back explaining what you learned and what you still dont understand. VSV is too short to run a search...
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