I know I'm 2 days early, but I don't think I'll have a computer throughout the weekend or that I will have the time to post. So I would like wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving weekend.
Also, things I would like to give thanks for:
1) For a damn needed long weekend to take a break from...
IJ- Thanks man, but yeah, I have a Walbro mounted up (or at least I have it stored in the closet with the rest of the new parts).
Kamil- Thanks for the picture, made me feel like a real idiot :(, but no problem ;)
trydrew- yeah, I'm not sure but the passes on the 88 are stuck underneath...
Just so IJ doesn't complain, I'll use correct spelling here ;)
Anyhow, I'm putting back some of the things back into the engine, mostly to see how everything fits.
First thing's first. Standing on front of the car, to the right side of the engine block, what's the nearest plug for...
damn it. sorry for all the errors I have been making this week guys. I have been posting from university while doing some projects, so I get confused and keep making mistakes.
i meant the CSI, Cold Start Injector.
bothered checking the TSRM cuz i left the manual at home. how much would the SST 09213-70010 and 09330-00021 tools cost? or can i just order up similar tools that will get the damn job done even if i have to do it the hard way?
u have never heard of Puerto Rico, have u? no A/C here would be the equivalent of turning down that girl from your dreams u wish was real.
already doing the battery in the back ordeal while replacing its spot with the overflow bottle (might make a new one that doesnt look as bad as the...
maybe the turbo bearings are worn out and it's the fan blades scraping against the walls? happened to me.... didnt sound like a chain but it's worth a check.
LOL! i guess u need to either have a sick morbid sense of humor like mine or be somewhat retarded in a way to get it..... i really should find that redneck parody automotive assistance site and post it here.
i think i should listen to my gf when she tells me to stop taking out stuff.... but i wont :D
anyhow, as some of u already know, i live down here in the tropical paradise of Puerto Rico, where heaters serve as frying pans cuz we dont need anymore heat than wat we've got.
anyways, i...
i removed the whole damn thing yesterday night. all that's left is the black hose that seems to pick up water from the front part of the windshield. didnt touch it yet. can i take that out too or should i just clog it up in case something drips inside?
it should be able to handle quite a big amount of power nicely, i just dont like the stock bolts that go with it ;)
i like the straight through look better :D
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