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  1. Jspec7m88

    2jz-gtte ?

    Ummmmmmm...:nono: Sorry, I keep forgetting 2 > 1. If there's more, that's gotta mean better, right?! ....... wrong. :icon_conf I do have a friend with a 610rwhp stock twin Supra, but he did it purposely to see how much power he could get out of it. At 610rwhp, it was really walking on...
  2. Jspec7m88

    Head Gasket question

    Wills7MGTE: It's noone elses business what other people do at work. Even if that was the case, NWS is an all-around way of saying, if it could offend anyone or is visible to anyone without a forewarning, it's not acceptable. Believe it or not, your standards of obscenity might not be on the...
  3. Jspec7m88

    Where did you mount your AFC?

    Damn, I was really feeling that wooden block proto, too. :( LOL. Chris' butt better still be selling me the AFC...
  4. Jspec7m88


    Well, whatever type of dynamometer we use, it better be something exact or close to a Supra setup...unlike the damned Mustang Dyno.:icon_evil Grrrr...I'm never gonna dyno on a Mustang dyno again. Soooo depressing. :3d_frown:
  5. Jspec7m88

    Where did you mount your AFC?

    Dave, it looks that WOODEN frame I see holding your gauges/electronics in place? LOL, I like, anyways. Jay, looks good as well. miggles: everything is backwards!!! :runaway: lol, just kidding. My options were to try to fit it somewhere where the domelight panel sits... But...
  6. Jspec7m88

    87 - 89 mirrors

    I took off the hideous Pre89 mirrors on my 88' and put on 89+ mirrors. Looks 10 times better. Also, yes, just to clarify again, it fits perfectly. Pop off the inner plastic piece on the inside, un screw 3 screws and unplug the power mirror plug. Swap. Wah-lah! :D Jeff
  7. Jspec7m88

    Where did you mount your AFC?

    I'm asking because I'm getting one (finally:icon_evil ), and I've already mounted my HKS EVC and Turbo Timer where most people would put their S-AFC, (Where the slide-out ash tray sits). If possible, post a picture of where yours sits. If you have it anywhere else besides where the ashtray...
  8. Jspec7m88

    Why Only 1 Bar..

    Wow...I'm sorry but you should REALLY be making more horsepower than that. What was your AFR when you dynoed? When I had my first SSQV, it leaked and I never knew it until tearing it apart and saw there was a MASSIVE leak. I was so positive I didn't have a boost leak but I had the...
  9. Jspec7m88

    another "max boost I can run" thread :)

    Damnit Matt, I'll eat you alive. Actually, if you're staying auto, maybe you'll give me a run for my moneyz. ;);)
  10. Jspec7m88

    another "max boost I can run" thread :)

    OH DONT even lol. I shimmed my wastegate a little bit before I got any type of boost controller. It was like 3 more psi than where it was. Besides, in all technicality, my "first" mod was a Turbo eat it. I never got a boost controller until about 3.5 months ago...and that was that...
  11. Jspec7m88

    Banned from Supra forums

    b2d, has anyone ever told you that your intercooler in your sig looks like a fake drawing? :rolleyes: LOL, I know it's not, but it looks fake. I've always thought that everytime you posted. :D Sorry, getting off topic here. ;) Jeff
  12. Jspec7m88

    Head Gasket question

    Jeff? I'm Jeff? :( ???
  13. Jspec7m88

    HKS EVC EZ-II Question...

    Bump Bump Bump BUMP! Is there really nobody out there that is running an EVC EZ? If anyone is using the HKS EVC (more complex version), then you have the same stepper motor as an HKS EVC EZ, so speak up! :nono:
  14. Jspec7m88

    Dirty dirty pics.........NWS

    Betw...Between...Um...Between my legs. :runaway: :boink:
  15. Jspec7m88

    another "max boost I can run" thread :)

    HAHA. Sounds good. If you've got a healthy CT26, you should be able to achieve your 300rwhp goal. Although, it depends on how much boost you're running as well. It's good that you've got upgraded fuel system as well. Just make sure you get a good tuning job. And for the record, don't get...
  16. Jspec7m88

    400+whp 7M's

    flubyux2: I won't flame. Not at all. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion... Which is what I'm going to do. Horsepower means NOTHING unless you want to use it for braggin rights. Most Supra enthusiasts are all about making it FAST, Whether it be 1/8 mile, 1/4 mile or simply Auto X...
  17. Jspec7m88

    Banned from Supra forums

    I absolutely HATE Supraforums. I won't bash on any of the moderators necessarily, nor the members. But I do have to say that the members on there, even though they might not actually be dicks, get heated up from others and that's what makes that forum such garbage. Supramania is large enough...
  18. Jspec7m88

    another "max boost I can run" thread :)

    Congrats, man. What sort of goodies do you have that work your 7M and what type of numbers are you putting down?
  19. Jspec7m88

    what do you prefer b*nging

    I think the real definition of a "MILF" has long been deceased. Now-a-days, a MILF can be a 13 year old girl... Yeah...Think about it. :( I'm down, though!!!!! ;););) JK. You ever seen that Workout Machine Commerical (can't think of the name of it), but it has that 50 year old...