Hmmm. If you forewarn us ahead of time that it would take that long, I'm sure you'll still get buyers. Half a year, though? Holy crapola.:aigo:
How about some Supramania shoes? :icon_surp LOL
You crack me up, lol.
Actually, How about Supra bra's?
....Not that type of Bra. :eek3:
Just kiddin. :naughty:
Make a clean cut design for some Hats and I'd probably be down for that.
No...I had money banked away to do it and at the time was just starting to move. Needless to say, All sort of problems started popping up and with Chi2k6 coming up, I had to stash money for that too.
I was introduced to American-Style 10 cent packaged Ramen & 33 cent Burrito's for a few...
Very confused about your post.
I'd answer if I understood what you said...
But I'll try anyways.
DP = Down Pipe.
Open Down Pipe.
This means the Downpipe is Open.
Some things said shouldn't have been. :nono: Some VERY rude and inconsiderate people on these boards. Almost starting to sound like SF. :(
Anyways, It's very clear that if you are going for a quarter mile (or straight line race car, FTM), it's obvious that Automatic takes the win. NO...
Shaweetness. :biglaugh: I run Open "CUT-OUT". Which is pretty much Open DP but with an extra 6 inches...and I don't have to unbolt anything! (Nice to have, BTW). Anyways, I run open exhaust daily. Loud? Yessssss...
But I like it. :)
And it scares off all the little ricers when they hear it...
Hmmmmmmm. I think someone else needs some tuning, too. :rolleyes:
:EDIT: BTW, I represent with 2 SupraMania Steeeekerz on my Poopra. :-p
I <3 My A340E.
Just take care of it.
And build it right.
Correct the Thread Name! You hate A340E's!!!!!!! Not Autos. Auto's are FTMFW.
Noooo Problemo. I keep wanting to make a "Build Up" Thread...but I feel like I'm too far into my car now that it's too late to start...:icon_conf
Oh well. I'll just keep making this pansy little threads everytime I do something. :D Word?
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