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  1. OfnaRcR4

    Leaky Steering Rack Fix?

    Hate to being up an thread but I hate to make another pointless thread. Why is it so hard to rebuild the rack? Just because of the chance off scuffing or special tools needed? What special tools are needed anyway?
  2. OfnaRcR4

    Hot weather driving

    Yeah you should be able to drive just fine in 100 degree weather. Check the obvious first, tstat, clogged rad etc..
  3. OfnaRcR4

    what should i expect to pay?

    Mitsu evo 560 injectors are cheap, perform well and reliable (since they are oem) I got my set for I think 270 shipped from a member here.
  4. OfnaRcR4

    Hail storm... FML

    We had the same thing in ohio. Thank god my car blew a rad and was stuck in my garage instead of outside where it usually is. Sorry to hear that though, I'd be more than pissed.
  5. OfnaRcR4

    Breaking In Motor Theory

    Beating a dead horse.
  6. OfnaRcR4

    ct26 turbo wastegate cracked Worth it and proven.. You can send your core and only pay i think $560 or so.
  7. OfnaRcR4

    Rusty floor repair

    NICE! Good luck!:)
  8. OfnaRcR4

    OHIO thread

    Did it have big 5 spoke 18's or 91-92 wheels? Neither?
  9. OfnaRcR4

    OHIO thread

    Attn midnight blue 89+ driving by sams club in c-ville now. Your pass side taillights are out
  10. OfnaRcR4

    OHIO thread

    Oh crap I didn't know that. Sorry if you are in the affected area and I got your hopes up.
  11. OfnaRcR4

    OHIO thread

    No testing thank god.
  12. OfnaRcR4

    Song you are listening to right now!

    Sebastien Tellier La Ritournelle. If you don't know it you should.
  13. OfnaRcR4

    OHIO thread

    Anyone got a radiator near dayton? 89+
  14. OfnaRcR4

    "Exhibition of *excel*eration" ticket question...

    +1 You'll be kicking yourself if you go in without help.. I know i did when i had to have everyone else drive me around for 6 months.
  15. OfnaRcR4

    Car will not go into gear. Need some advice.

    Yeah mine had the same issue. Put in a new master cyl and that still didn't fix it. Turns out I just needed to adjust the pedal.
  16. OfnaRcR4

    Car will not go into gear. Need some advice.

    All i can say is make sure its bled properly.. That and make sure your clutch pedal is adjusted properly. After that you're looking at MC, lines of improper installation or improper bleeding. Try puming it with the bleeder open, then close the bleeder and release that pedal, open depress and...
  17. OfnaRcR4

    Car hitting a wall in power band after 5500rpms

    There's you're problem. That and one of your accessory pulley's aren't right. Possibly a bearing failure etc..