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  1. willfish

    I'm not eating for a week

    man, why you eat that fast food crap... ,, you want good food taco's for tht matter, make them yourself... fast food is like , eating ,, what, I dont know ;;;;;; shit...:icon_conf eat good man, not that shit.... Will
  2. willfish

    best intercooler

    maxx evo,, big ass mother fucker.... Will
  3. willfish

    I think I'm about to call it quits....

    I think what it is , is that we get so strung out on if it aint one thing its another, getting to burned out from always having ti tear something apart to fix it all over again,..... Will
  4. willfish

    Who has a Gold respray?

    i think that it would be a bit overkill on the bling.... just my oppinion Will
  5. willfish

    Post a picture of your desk

    thats where the X relocated too after she left me.....,, , pretty much summs it up why I hate Arizona Will
  6. willfish

    some weird rotors we have here

    never noticed,,,,, , I'll have to look when I decide to change my rear end Will
  7. willfish

    Who's drunk right now!?

    i'm buzzing,,, well sorta kinda.... Will
  8. willfish

    Post a picture of your desk

    wow, what you said has alot to do with it on my end.... i'm sure some of the guys know why I hate it so bad.... other than that, nice computer desk..:biglaugh: Will
  9. willfish

    Post a picture of your desk

    i really hate fucking Arizona......:icon_conf really Will
  10. willfish

    My sons supra burnt today

    sorry to hear man, where in Pa you at ? Will
  11. willfish

    looking for a song

    who remembers the movie " singles " ? what was the song the matt dillion was playing on the accoustic guitar while laying next to jimi hendrix tombstone ? Will
  12. willfish

    Who's drunk right now!?

    shooting some stick , having a few... Will
  13. willfish

    p/c problem

    so what is that dr watson postmortum debugger ? virus ? Will
  14. willfish

    Music Festivals

    one word "free love " :naughty: Will
  15. willfish


    who's touring with them ? I 'm going to see them in Tucson July 8th i think, , dam tickets are like 45 crumbs ,, anyone know who's touring with them ? Will
  16. willfish

    song lyrics?

    lol,,,, um, dude, thats clapton......:biglaugh: Will
  17. willfish

    song lyrics?

    lol,, didnt "gtsfirefighter say it was layla ? :biglaugh: Will
  18. willfish

    Rear end

    :biglaugh: Will
  19. willfish

    weird set up

    yea, I seen that, looks like you added a few adjetives to it too...:naughty: Will