O my goodness i've just read the whole big drama of the situation.
Kudos to SupraCentral. I tip my hat to you.
I hope your situation is all handled now Suprarich. The french guy pfft I don't even.....
sorry to revive an old thread >.<
For a first timer to gearbox swap. I suppose it would be hard.
For someone that did it more than few times then it would be easy for them.
If you don't plan on making big power yet w58 would be a smoother tranny to stick around with.
^^ I was reading something about the oil squirters being cutback to fit in the pauters. Was that a manditory IJ? I plan on running them in on my next project.
Awesome build there :D good luck with the project. Did u get ur rear timing cover decked with the block as well (just to make sure ;D)
Not sure about the notch... maybe a directional wise indicator or something but don't think they'd go through all the trouble for that.
Could be an oil...
POR-15 i gotta get around them. Kudos to the person that mentioned it. I have the rust issues on my boot too. I'm a little worried that I might bump into more rust if i ever decided to take the carpet off. Gotta learn about this panel stuff.
:cry: such a beautiful supra. Awww sad to see you go. I hope the new owner treats it well with love and passion and not abuse a good well put together car.
Whats your new plans for a different car?
What year's your galant? The guy worked on my car specializes in them.
and hey! I'm sixteen as well and yea maintaining a modded mk3 is like fathering a child.
But first things first.
-What you looking for in the car?
-What are you plans with it?
-Can you afford keeping it...
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