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  1. Boost Lee

    Happy B-Day Boost Leak

    Thanks, Tanya. :) You see...There's a rule by word of the grapevine that if your Supra has no forced induction...You don't qualify for HB threads.......... [peer pressure] .....[peer pressure]. :biglaugh: Jeff
  2. Boost Lee

    Happy B-Day Boost Leak

    Meh. I was thinking of something more along the lines of some Westport Hookers........:biglaugh: Boost :icon_bigg
  3. Boost Lee

    The Official CHI2K8 "Post Your Pics!" Thread

    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Coincedently enough, I'm comfortable with my sexuality... And my sexuality loves Professional, Hot Asian Models posing on Supras. :biglaugh: Ok, Ok. I'll get some pictures up soon... But for the time being, Big Jeffy's special birthday is in an hour...
  4. Boost Lee

    Shine Spec-B (Bomex) Whale Tail

    Count me in. :) IIRC, the Gracer Whale tail was the "shorter" of the two, correct? All I remember was there was a "larger" looking version, that of which I believe I preferred. I'll start digging around through some pictures to see if I can find what I'm looking for. Meanwhile, do you...
  5. Boost Lee

    Cheap ebay wategates??

    Per usual, IJ has hit the nail on the head. :) There ARE a lot of people that run the knockoff FiAL & HK$ wastegates (as well as blow-off valves) that have great success. However to my knowledge, most of them at least tore it down to inspect for clearance issues and if need be, replace...
  6. Boost Lee

    Why is my chain slipping?

    ^A slow one. :biglaugh:
  7. Boost Lee

    can i drive my mk3 whit ethanol?

    Back off, Nate. Those cookies aren't in your jar. ;)
  8. Boost Lee

    shaft play

    Ding, ding, ding! Uninstalled, A little side-to-side is normal, Yes. Wait until you get it installed and primed with some oil pressure running through it... Recheck, and if you've still got a noticable amount of play...THEN you've got problems. ;) Jeff
  9. Boost Lee

    Supramania's Elite Engine bay Thread...ZERO progress pics.

    Check, Check, and.........Check. ;) Stay posted. I'll soon have a tastefully clean looking engine bay posted in the near future. :-) Jeff
  10. Boost Lee

    First drives after 2 years of work. 7M-GTE with TH350

    wh- wh- wh- what?!?!?! :aigo: I am thoroughly IMPRESSED with the custom fabrication done here. I'm still in awe at the first impression reaction to your engine bay. Not that I'm too familiar with Opel Cadet Caravans.... But I think I'll have to side on saying this would be the most...
  11. Boost Lee

    Supramania's Elite Engine bay Thread...ZERO progress pics.

    Ian - Something about your engine bay just screams "I'm ready for business". :biglaugh: Mike - Pardon the late-night brain farts...but is that in an A80? It just threw me off as it seems that the radiator is noticably further away from the motor. Looks amazing though, regardless. :love: Jeff
  12. Boost Lee

    Funny new 1jz ebay shirt. Anti-v8

    Classic! I love it. :biglaugh: The Anti-V8 does work in it's own sense because it originally would be "My Anti Drug". [[favorites page....purchases later]] Jeff
  13. Boost Lee

    A Lamborgini that I can admire

    When did Lamborghini & Taco Bell collaborate to create the Embolado? What a goofy name...... :biglaugh: I am NOT oppossed to saying that I *DON'T* like this car... But it's certainly an oddball one from Lamborghini. Lamborghini has been known for a long time for having the unique...
  14. Boost Lee

    Round two... lowered.

    :love: :love: :love: (Right Click, Save As, Save to: A70 Supra Folder)...........:biglaugh: Looks great! High Res pictures, please! :) Jeff
  15. Boost Lee

    stock rev limit / governor

    Oh, by no means am I necessarily saying that you're lying...:) But I've heard on a couple different occaisions before that the rev limiter was higher on the ____ 1JZ than the ____ 1JZ. (I don't remember which way it went). Who knows. It could be bad word of the grapevine. :) Jeff
  16. Boost Lee

    stock rev limit / governor

    Well as I'm thinking about it, I was under the impression that 1JZ's from different cars actually having different rev limiters. (Soarer, Chaser, Supra, etc). ...Because some of you via AFC claim 7450, 7500, 8100, 8300...and for being the stock ECU, that's a lot of jumping around unless we've...
  17. Boost Lee

    The Official CHI2K8 "Post Your Pics!" Thread

    Sorry I haven't posted anything in here in a couple days... I've been overwhelmed with all of this footage and pictures. .......All 7.5GB worth. :aigo: Should make for a great DVD, though. :-) Jeff
  18. Boost Lee

    Supra On Doctor Phil LOLOLOL!

    popemobile: Sorry, I was actually referring to (as well as 'forcedtorque') a guy from Michigan. To my knowledge, nobody by the name of Logan rings a bell from Michigan... The guy(s) from Michigan were just mentioned earlier for the same bullsh%%$$%t stuff that this Logan guy seems to be...
  19. Boost Lee

    Supra On Doctor Phil LOLOLOL!

    Wow. Way to represent the Supra community. 185MPH on stock 1JZ twins... He must have been going down a mountain with no body panels being pulled by a jet. Scott - I actually had the "opportunity" [if you will] to meet Adam back at an Indy meet I put together back in '06. It's...
  20. Boost Lee

    New Business Cards

    LOL! :biglaugh: