I've already used the distributor plug from my n/a harness (pre 89 will only work for reference sake) and spliced it onto my harness when I had problems the first time. I had an extra cps and used it because the wiring looked better than the one in it. The problem I'm sure is what Poodles was...
Well got me four new tires today. Yeah! I drove and rode so much better. Now it's just wavy and not harsh.
I narrowed down the spot in the wiring that's giving me fits. It is the CPS wiring again. Under the black tape between the plug and cps the wiring is bad. I don't have time to unwrap...
Growing up in the country I learned that racoons can be pretty viscious but usually only when they are backed into a corner. Otherwise they are fairly docile and very curious. It would have wondered off had you left it alone but you probably did the right thing calling animal control, as they...
Well it drove like shit:biglaugh: but ran damn good.
Bad tires + crappy blown out struts = shitty handling.
I have to go on into work so maybe tomorrow I'll get a video of it going down the road.
You got it running yet Craig? I forgot to get you phone number before going down to Houston and didn't take my laptop with me. Were you able to make it out there any?
I took a little video on the way to Weatherford and it was so damn loud that the way you hear it hear is how it sounded in my head since I'm all congested with a head cold or something.
Well I hit a major milestone for the car today. Actually two milestones.
First is being brave enough to take it on a trip to the muffler shop 18 miles and making it.
Second was getting the exhaust put on. I cannot tell you the difference it made. It's definately quieter than an open...
In this politically correct world we live in now, I'd delete that "I'm Straight" part. Although, telling them you're a flamer might get you hired!:biglaugh:
You should've seen that 1150 HP Viper on the dyno. Holy crap that was loud, and the fire that came out of the exhaust. Awesome. I'm not that huge a fan of MKIV's either but the wingless ones are damn good looking. There was only one MKI to my dismay and I didn't see any MKII's. When the MKI...
I pulled to brake fluid reservoir off the blue car already and will put it on the white one soon. I'm really not looking forward to replacing that CPS o-ring. So much to do for such a little thing. I should really think about relocating my power steering reservoir. I've still got my NA one...
It's my fault. I think I may have invoked some bad karma in a PM to Jay just prior to him hitting the road. I'll claim responsibility so direct all negative comments to me. Sorry Jay:ugh:
I wished I'd known you were there. My son and I were at the Show-n-Shine. I'd like to have to met you...
Wow! I feel like such an ass for just now finding this thread, and it was only after perusing the classifieds. I would have gladly sent some money your way had I'd known. I'm glad yall got what yall needed. This community is truly spectacular. Now back to boobies and funky sex chemistry.
Update on me again. My surgery is scheduled for April 7th.
Car: I finally was able to replace the elbow and downpipe. I ended up getting a supra sport elbow to use on my 3"downpipe. Last week I thought I was going to have a hook up on a good used 57 trim CT 26 with a 3" elbow already...
The previous "fix" I did I cut the distributor plug off of my na harness and spliced it onto my gte harness. The plugs are a direct fit for pre 89. And I also used a different CPS that I had laying around since it had good wires. Now only if I had remembered to put a new 0-ring on. Apparently...
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