I sooooo wanted to buy that car from Brandon when I was looking again but it just wasn't meant to be. I would have gladly made the drive from Tx to MO for that.
Hurry up and get it running. I want to see videos!
Happy Birthday yesterday!!! My son was born March 5 of a leap year and I was scared he'd come a little early.
So I'm glad I'm not alone in dealing with zero personality bitches at the auto registration office. I hate those people.
I couldn't stand to watch to the entire video. Hopefully their next TV show appearance will be Divorce Court and he'll be taking her to the cleaners instead of it being the other way around as usual.
Agreed. There's something wrong with that kid! Beware, as you may wake up one morning with no car or one that's been vandalized. Where were your parents? Why didn't they answer the door? Many aspects of this are disturbing.
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If you want to know exactly where you are...
Maybe I missed it somewhere, but is the Supra the only vehicle you own now?
I really don't know what all the hub bub is all about. A Supra and a house can co-exist with each other. You don't have to start modding that car right away. If you really love that car, keep it and buy a house...
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