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  1. ForcedTorque

    Well heres my ride

    Worth the wait for the pics! You stole that car didn't you? Do you have the parts for the front end, or do you have to buy them?
  2. ForcedTorque

    New Rims for an old ride. UPDATE!!! Post #36 with new pics!

    What is a Kwa Nate anyway? Any reason you didn't get pictures of all 3 together?
  3. ForcedTorque

    Alex from hawaii this is my ride

    That is that I'm going for pretty much. I hate white wheels, but they look super sweeeeet on your car. I might have to rethink wheels somewhere down the line.
  4. ForcedTorque

    The replacement car after the fire :)

    This is a very nice looking new car! KevinM has a new rear shade group buy going on. I think that would really button up that car nicely in the looks department. Also. many people will question the non-matching trim on the tail panel. I Love it! I think that gives the car a little character...
  5. ForcedTorque

    Well heres my ride

    cum on a yakee girl's lip
  6. ForcedTorque

    So I was walking to my car...

    Nope, that's his biggest trick. At 63.5 MPH the spoilerz stand the car straight up, and cuts the car off, because the exhaust can't breath.
  7. ForcedTorque

    Well heres my ride

    are you guys seeing the picture? My computer has been acting up lately.
  8. ForcedTorque

    So I was walking to my car...

    Man that's pimp.......where can I buy one of those?
  9. ForcedTorque

    The replacement car after the fire :)

    Please explain why the 7MGTE needs a NA-T swap
  10. ForcedTorque

    really need advice

    This thread ain't got no english
  11. ForcedTorque

    Car wash sprays water past window seals?

    Jay, Jet Jock is more perfect than Tekdeus' car! I swear, some of the stories are hard to believe JJ. C'mon, tell us you've put 3001 miles on an oil change. This is the part where he tells me 3000 is dumb, but he has never gone past 4975, or 7495 (same four numbers mixed up by...
  12. ForcedTorque

    TX2K9 Photos

    Don't feel bad guys. My pink car only has color because I have added it in the form of black/white/grey
  13. ForcedTorque

    When Do You Need A Standalone?

    IJ has a money tree! I have always thought the standalone was used once the piggybacks have reached their limit, and nothing you do to the car really adds much power anymore. Obviously I have not gotten to that point yet.
  14. ForcedTorque

    TX2K9 Photos

    Twice the opportunities for me to fail! Hell Yeah!
  15. ForcedTorque

    Sign in for Alabama Supra's rollcall

    Welcome James! Nice car you got there. Next after the 7MGTE, please get rid of the saw blades. I know, that's mean, but I couldn't resist. Again...Welcome.
  16. ForcedTorque

    Broken Pressure Plate?

    Take an inspection cover off, and check out what is going on in there.
  17. ForcedTorque

    Stolen: Light Blue 1986.5 N/A MKIII - Gardena, California USA = RECOVERED!!!!

    Really, who steals a car, just to get the stereo out of it????????? It seems if they saw how easy it was to get the first one out, they'd risk a quick steal rather than a grand theft charge.
  18. ForcedTorque

    Mysterious leak

    The fact that it dries up rather quickly tells me it can't be too thick. I'm betting coolant. It could be the turbo coolant line, or it could also be the plugged off part on the block coolant pipe that resides right at the corner underneath the turbo. It's proximity to the turbo takes a toll on...
  19. ForcedTorque

    Stolen: Light Blue 1986.5 N/A MKIII - Gardena, California USA = RECOVERED!!!!

    Congrats on the recovery! You now need to open a discount stereo store at your house. Be sure to protect Supra 3, as they are probably checking it out as well.
  20. ForcedTorque

    Supra Solenoid Dead?

    That will work, provided the starter is any good. Starter circuit problems are common on these cars, and there is a lot of threads about it. Be warned that the problem may be in the wiring harness. There is a relay to help that problem though.