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  1. E

    Home Theater and why.....

    what can you suggest for a tv in the sub-$2000 range?
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    college of engineering

    any tips for recent graduates, or anyone else for that matter, on negotiating wage/salary?
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    Anyone here got Bioshock yet?

    those big daddies get easier to take down once you get farther. trap bolts + proximity nades ftmfw!
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    Anyone here got Bioshock yet?

    bought it, runs nice on my laptop, i was surprised. replaying parts of the game, just to kill people in a different way, is amusing. nothing like a freezing wrench to the dome! and always harvest the little girls.
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    I might sell my soul for Prosport Peak and Hold gauges

    i like the idea, would be a great place to mount a giant red panic button :)
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    college of engineering

    I gradded from Mech Eng Technology a few months ago. lookin for work now. skipping can be done if its the right class. i skipped everything but the midterm and final of my fluid dynamics 1 class. teacher took 3 hours to teach straight out of the book. i spent 30 minutes learning it myself, got...
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    Mortgage industries are going down fast...

    house across the street from me just sold for $640k. my parents house is probably worth over $550k now. both houses are 30+ years old, not huge, both have about 1/2 acre. median price in victoria is $500k... only way i can afford to buy a house is if i move to alberta. brand new house for $315k...
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    URGH Sprint

    sprints are wicked, ive had 2, but never buy the turbo. 1.0L 3 cylinder ftw
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    AGGGG!!! She missed her flight!!

    i made that as my avatar long ago. i stole the supra from someone, then added the smoke, coolant, and bhg :) from what i understand, someone else then used it as their avatar, and now its a smiley? lol someone should photoshop this smiley so hes on fire: :runaway:
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    New Puppy FTW!

    cute puppy! i think i would go with a beagle if i got a small dog, or a yellow lab if i wanted a medium/large dog. my family has always had golden retrievers, and i love them, but too much fur for me.
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    URGH my Bugatti

    if there was a building that stood for all that is humor, your post was the plane that flew into it.
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    FFIM noises?

    that TB looks like a polished version of the BBK 65mm that I have for my FFIM
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    One Step Closer... (no 56k)

    it also depends alot on your camera, and the camera settings. the professional shots you see on the net are usually editted in photoshop to get the colors and such right.
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    Odd request: PS brackets

    This is an odd request, but I need pics of the power steering resevior bracket(s). I've been looking through my parts bins, and I simply can't remember what they look like. Can someone post a close-up pic of them installed and/or off the car? thanks
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    Laptop help PLEASE!

    consider a used laptop with a tablet display. a guy i went to school with had one, he wrote all his notes on the screen, could move and organize it, even had a TI89 emulator so he didn't need to buy a $200 calculator. he bought his used off ebay for around $300
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    Going to school. Sick of drunken vandalism, need suggestions for an alarm

    EXACTLY buy a piece of shit car for $100, park the supra at your parents house or something. beaters are the best, you don't have to care about them, you don't need to do maintanence, you can jump them...
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    for all those targa owners... i know most of us are missing a piece.

    ya, its would need to be ramped, so the farther you turn it the more it clamps it down...
  18. E

    for all those targa owners... i know most of us are missing a piece.

    i would want something like this. machined billet aluminum would be cool.