SF wasn't very helpful, so if I could get some help, as well as technical advice, I'd greatly appreciate it. Now, I'm somewhat familiar with computers, but when it comes to laptops, I'm clueless. With that being said, I'm needing a laptop for school, and I was looking at a few options, my budget is around $500 dollars. I saw this laptop at Circuit City for $479.99, it's a Toshiba Satellite A135 series, and it seems like it would be just fine for what I'm doing, which would primarily be typing papers/notes at school and the occasional music listening and internet browsing. I personally checked it out after finding it online, and it is pretty quick for the specs, and certainly for the money. Here is the link, let me know what you guys think.
There is also a Compaq I'm looking at as well, the specs are about the same, but different processors as well as a slightly better video card:
I'd like some technical advice as to which one would be better and why. I plan on adding an extra 1 GB of RAM to whichever I choose to buy.
There is also a Compaq I'm looking at as well, the specs are about the same, but different processors as well as a slightly better video card:
I'd like some technical advice as to which one would be better and why. I plan on adding an extra 1 GB of RAM to whichever I choose to buy.