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  1. Dunckel

    Just In: OJ Simpson verdict

    Guilty on all 12 counts.
  2. Dunckel

    Anyone else into this game?

    Are there bananas? Like in Mario Kart?
  3. Dunckel

    cold remedies, got one?

    :squint: Bacon won't cure a cold silly. :sarcasm:
  4. Dunckel

    Got Supra?

  5. Dunckel

    cold remedies, got one?

    Thanks. I'll try theraflu tomorrow. I still feel like shit, and don't think I'm going to muster up the strength to go anywhere tonight.
  6. Dunckel

    cold remedies, got one?

    Yup, I did a little research. Airborne settled for 23 million for false advertising. It's just a vitamin. I don't drink, so I'm gonna have to find another remedy. Is there anything over the counter that works well?
  7. Dunckel

    cold remedies, got one?

    nonono whifski is workin jus fin htanks you
  8. Dunckel

    cold remedies, got one?

    Really, I didn't know that. I'll look into it. I have a friend that swears by it. I don't get sick that often, so I've never really had the opportunity to try it. Thanks for saving me $.
  9. Dunckel

    cold remedies, got one?

    That worked great, but, what was I supposed to to with the water, sugar, and lemon?:confused:
  10. Dunckel

    cold remedies, got one?

    Does anyone have anything that they use to kick a cold quickly? I need something to get me feeling better by Fri. 4way spray works great for nasal congestion, but I need something for the runny nose, stuffy head, and the overall crappy feeling. It's more of a head cold than anything...
  11. Dunckel


  12. Dunckel

    World's Strongest Dad

    <-------Calls dad, tells him I love him.
  13. Dunckel

    hi guys!!

    Stop teasing us. Where's the pics.
  14. Dunckel

    hi guys!!

    Sooo, what are you going to be drifting? Do you have any pics of your project? Welcome to SM.
  15. Dunckel

    Mexican Hurricane

    Does the difference really need to be explained to you?
  16. Dunckel

    hi guys!!

  17. Dunckel

    New to Supras

    Acronyms are FTW!!
  18. Dunckel

    how much to keep up with EVO

    "advice" :icon_razz
  19. Dunckel

    Teen conspires to kill his mom to buy his girlfriend breast implants

    All that over a set of fake tits? Rather than spend $88,000/year for up to the next 50 years on this fucktard, why not just spend the $3000 and give HIM the breast implants. That would teach him a lesson.
  20. Dunckel

    High - Irratic idle

    I moved your thread to the GTE section. You may bet better results over here.