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  1. ForcedTorque

    how to obtain a missing title???

    I imagine it varies from state to state, but after a certain year, you do not even need a title to get a car titled in your name. In Alabama, I believe it is anything before 1992. That would cover most MKIII's
  2. ForcedTorque

    Got hit tonight, :) Fixed with pics on Post 91

    Toostand was parting a red 92 just last week! Maybe it's not too late.
  3. ForcedTorque

    CPS Resistance - Which TSRM do I follow????????

    Thank you for that explanation! I got hung up here at the CPS because of the differing TSRM specs. I know that I am at least getting some spark, as it will start occasionally, but won't stay running when it does. I'm guessing that maybe I have a bad coil or two, or my problem could be...
  4. ForcedTorque

    Swapping a 89+ engine in a 89- body

    CPS plug should only be different in clip color. I have used green plugged CPS's on an 89+ harness. I would be more worried about the Igniter. There are 2 different types. I'm not sure on the years, but the number of pins in the connectors may be different. Maybe somebody knows what year the...
  5. ForcedTorque

    Got hit tonight, :) Fixed with pics on Post 91

    Damn it Mario! I hate to see this. That car was bad ass. Do as I did though, and use this opportunity to go bigger or better. Definitely hold out for an 89+ body this time though. Contact Mike M (Toostand) and see what he has. He was more than a fantastic seller when I bought from him.
  6. ForcedTorque

    CPS Resistance - Which TSRM do I follow????????

    Leave it to the Chevy guy to bring up points! Like I said, I was working by a very dim flashlight, and very little daylight coming into my carport (blocked by the open hood). I didn't remember seeing any adjustment screws, and the TSRM saying to replace if out of spec gave me doubts that there...
  7. ForcedTorque

    CPS Resistance - Which TSRM do I follow????????

    I don't see any instructions on how to tighten or adjust the sensors. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. I guess I will be pulling the thing out tomorrow to work on it. I'm using a flashlight just to see in there where the car is parked.
  8. ForcedTorque

    CPS Resistance - Which TSRM do I follow????????

    OK, I now own a feeler gauge. Both the G1 and G2 are .010in, so they are within spec. Now, if I am understanding the TSRM correctly, I test the NE between the top of the gear teeth to the pick up. I'm not sure how to even get a feeler there. But, I can see with the eye that the gap there is...
  9. ForcedTorque

    Christmas decoration, gone bad..

  10. ForcedTorque

    CPS Resistance - Which TSRM do I follow????????

    I'm going to have to go get a feeler gauge to proceed then. How would the air gap change over the years? The fact that it is a gap should eliminate the possibility of any friction, right?
  11. ForcedTorque

    CPS Resistance - Which TSRM do I follow????????

    I am having a problem getting my car to start, so I am testing parts all over my car with my 1992 TSRM. My car is a 1992, but I have no idea of the origin of the motor. I bought it as a rebuilt JDM, that I was told came out of a soarer of unknown year. It does have a grey plugged CPS. I...
  12. ForcedTorque

    Dodge Neon R/T

    I've got a local buddy, who goes by the forums name of 420A/T. He's pushing 225-250hp last I heard, and that car is pretty fun. Another 100hp, RWD, and nitrous should make that a really fun car.
  13. ForcedTorque

    Which t4 to t3 adapter did you guys use?

    You are a sick , sick man! You enjoy getting beaten by the woman, don't you?
  14. ForcedTorque

    CPS Whining Noise?

    I don't see your logic here. You post a picture, and the most respected member on the board points out your problem. You then focus on a bearing? Yes, it could be bad as well, but I'd be looking for the burr on the camshaft by now.
  15. ForcedTorque

    Rally Car Crashes

    Guard eyes from sun with hand.........Proceed to gas the piss out of it! Looks like one hell of a good time. But, I'd have to drive the course several times at much lower speed until I knew the terrain, before having the balls to attack as he does. I'm sure they do plenty of that. The other...
  16. ForcedTorque

    7m runs 9's atco video

    MMMMMMMmmmmmmm 7M goodness! My hero! I hope you don't mind me posting that video on other sites locally.
  17. ForcedTorque

    does this mean i have bad turbo?

    Top blue line on every page with words in it. Towards the right. This is why everyone in here thinks it's BHG. My guess as well. Don't assume that because it was just done, that it was done correctly. 7M's use much tighter tolerances than your average 350 Chevrolet. An average mechanic...
  18. ForcedTorque

    supra mk3 topp speed ?

    Find you a long straight stretch of interstate, at a time when there is NO other traffic on the road, and go find out. I have 2 very long bridges in my area that I could do this in. Just get off of the gas as soon as you see any tail lights, and try again later. It will take a while to stop if...
  19. ForcedTorque

    Flateric's, Rocket Red Road Sled!

    It is a beautiful car! Kind of reminds me of the time I bought an ebay 7M, and paid a shop to install it. I threw my arms in the air, and found low and behold, a pair of hands of my own. Your hard work is definitely noticed. You have done a great job. OH.......and George bought a...