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  1. crisp

    narrow / wide band question

    Keep it.;) -crisp
  2. crisp

    narrow / wide band question

    I think you have the two backwards? Did you say you have a WB or a NB? If WB, DEFINITELY keep and USE IT right away, just to learn the behavior of your car... ...if it's the NB, I kept mine because it was "laying around" in a box, new, and I had it in before I got the WB AFX. With...
  3. crisp

    narrow / wide band question

    think?;) (Wish I had the "expertise" that you and others are able to exercise on such matters... but I am trying carefully to listen to what I hear from the prolific and purposeful among the wiser and tenured amongst us in here, or otherwise endowed...) immitigably verbose, yes...
  4. crisp

    narrow / wide band question

    My narrowband is right under my large readout wideband. (Powerdex/AFX) From a "layperson" perspective, knowing that both are giving me "feedback" of some nature, the narrowband amounts to mostly a "light show" and the wideband is a much more functional tool that shows me the relative air-fuel...
  5. crisp

    FINALLY - Especially for JMDigital - LilMissMkIII's Build

    FEMALE equivalent = girl with 500bhp car;) -crisp
  6. crisp

    Anyone in the Louisville, KY area do targa bolts?

    Thumbs up to Mike M. option for parts that way! As far as the leaking... SEAL IT PERMANENTLY!:naughty: ...worked for me... -crisp
  7. crisp

    FINALLY - Especially for JMDigital - LilMissMkIII's Build

    Aaaaaa-HA! You just joined me as a WPMO thread contestant! ...I feel better now... -crisp
  8. crisp

    FINALLY - Especially for JMDigital - LilMissMkIII's Build

    I'll post a PIC when I get a chance!:biglaugh: -crisp
  9. crisp

    FINALLY - Especially for JMDigital - LilMissMkIII's Build

    You are right... I've just qualified for the WPMO thread several times over with that remark. Sack-cloth-and-ashes for crisp tonight.:cry: (You GO girl! Do it on YOUR terms!!!:biglaugh:) PS: Mine DID sit for over 5 years with a simple electrical glitch, IIRC...:nono: -crisp
  10. crisp

    FINALLY - Especially for JMDigital - LilMissMkIII's Build FOUR young kids, a wife who HATES the car (all fourteen PLUS years I've had it), a job that takes 7 days a week on call to all hours, home-build project BARELY under way (planning stages... er... for seven years now...), full-time working wife, three-PLUS acres of yard... a couple to...
  11. crisp

    The What Makes Me Happpy (WMMH) Thread

    Thanks! I'd love to turn it into parts... but I need to turn it into "make-up" expenditures on things I really need... let's see how much that turbo w/lines complete setup was...:naughty: -crisp
  12. crisp

    The What Makes Me Happpy (WMMH) Thread

    substantial promotion;) -crisp
  13. crisp

    FINALLY - Especially for JMDigital - LilMissMkIII's Build

    HA! I made APRIL 2008! Would love to do it again... but I'm so unworthy after seeing YOUR PARTS!:biglaugh: ...maybe after some OTHER fine supras get a go at it... like in 2010...;) -crisp
  14. crisp

    FINALLY - Especially for JMDigital - LilMissMkIII's Build

    I'm currently planning on a hi-tes drum roll with 550's that TOUCHES 500whp as a target. Don't plan to run quite that high on pump-fuel, and hope to be mid-400's otherwise on the 550's as a "drivable" setup. Good luck with your PARTS and PARTY! (when they come together and it runs...
  15. crisp

    ***The Blue Supras Thread***

    Yes.;) I LOVE looking at that car! It's so beautiful...:love: EDIT: Get ready to have it called "BLACK" a lot. LOL! -crisp
  16. crisp

    Ryan's 92 build thread aka NashMan

    It was the BEER that made him do it rough-like...:biglaugh: -crisp
  17. crisp

    Ryan's 92 build thread aka NashMan

    Looking SICK Ryan! Very nice work! (Cute Kittycake you have there... and that Hotdoggy is a friendly looking fellow, too!:biglaugh:) -crisp
  18. crisp

    FINALLY - Especially for JMDigital - LilMissMkIII's Build

    ^^^Hey, noticed your SIG and just wanted to mention... MOSTLY only poor people own supras! (Or if you WERE rich... just buy a supra, that'll take care of the wealth real quick!;)) Carry ON!:biglaugh: -crisp
  19. crisp

    Bolt-on Boss bb turbo vs GT35R?

    Hmmm... just to confirm, is the GT61 using the GT35R ("R") ball bearing cartridge then? (or just journal...?) Thank you, -crisp
  20. crisp

    Bolt-on Boss bb turbo vs GT35R?

    Thank you kindly for the response. For this next round, and perhaps longer term... I am leaning toward the GT61 or similar. I do not believe my application warrants nor desires more performance than 3rd~4th tire-squealing affords!:naughty: I continue to research and listen closely to all the...