All of a sudden is usually a broken ring land, slowly creeping out is just worn rings, comp or leakdown will tell the tale.
I used to build my 7M's quite "loose" so always had some blowby, I ran -10 lines from the valve covers and a real PCV valve to combat this, just had to replicate the...
In my AWD LS Wagon Holden Mounted the PCM on the chassis rail right next to the Header, there's a thick plank of Heat Shield between it and the header, When I did the LS in my Mk3 I have a bunch of thermocouples in the engine bay so I could log temps, the location drake has chosen was one of the...
I got better ;)
Batteries were in Marine Boxes Vented to the exterior of the car, one Shattered on impact the other went out through the Hatch, the Miracle in all this was the car had just been topped off with 120L of fuel, rear suspension arm sliced through the fuel tank and no fire...
Ran an OS Giken twin with solid metallic discs way back and it behaved exactly the same.. was funny to watch people try to drive it for the first time.. :)
Those 2 are almost impossible to swap in the car and both are usually dead/dying.
Better to just buy brand new parts and forget about them for the next 20 years, anything second hand will be as bad as your originals.
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