humm how I came into my supra?
Totaly by accident , must have been fate er uhhh I'd like to think so lol
I bought my first supra 3 years ago 86.5 rusted bondoed bucket. But she never let me down , not once was I on the side of the road fixen the thing.
fell in love with the car as we all did. even thoh it wasnt pretty I was proud to drive it and talk about it. I had so many people give me the thumbs up while driving arround, it was strange. As a kid in the 80's I can remember the MK2 and thinking that it was the coolest thing on 4 wheels , I didnt even know what it was. lol
I now own a 92 turbo and am in the middle of a build , I sometimes starve myself over the car , just to pay the rent on the garage to keep the car.
I will not rest until I can no longer get parts or the e-car takes over grrrrrrr
My best times have been in a supra on the open road on a sunney day with no destination in mind , just go where ever the road leads.
Sometimes I give up too much to keep this car but it's the only thing that puts a smile on my face and gets the little green worm in the back of my brain to wiggle.
This is why this car is my dream , the only thing that calms me down :naughty: