starscream5000 said:
I love my supra because she (why do guys call them "she" anyways?) likes money just as much as I like putting it into her

I've always called my cars "she". They are bitchy and high maintenance, just like women. They need love and support or they will BHG and make you want to die. They make you spend money on useless cosmetics.
Anyway. I love my Supra because she was a PITA to get. I did not like white cars until I saw her. I couldn't keep my eyes off her, and when I found out she had black leather interior, I about died. Many months of waiting went by before I was actually able to buy my car, and then she sat for months behind my grandmothers house. At least once a week I would go to her and just sit in the car, waiting for the day I could drive her.
The car and I have both been through some hard ass times since we've been together, and she is a constant reminder to never give up the battle! I have come so close to selling recently, it makes me sick. I've done everything in my power to try to keep her, but when my family is jeopardized, and we need the money THAT bad, thats when I have to sell.
Until then, she sits broken in the back, but is still here, waiting. For the day that she breathes a new life