So, umm, yeah. The other half of my battalion got back from Iraq last night and I took the night off from my 2nd job to drink with them. Within 2 hours of starting to drink, I was carried to my room by my friend and put to bed. Within that time, I drank about 14 shots of Absolut vodka mixed with orange juice. 8 PM, I'm drunker than a skunk and passed out on my bed. Several times I woke up to puke (made it to the toilet every time luckily). I stumbled into my chair once and knocked it over.
Before being put to bed, I was stumbling very bad on the gravel and one of my friends thought I was going to fall and break my face (no injuries miraculously). And at some point in the night while I was blacked out, I wandered around the barracks in my shorts looking for the duty to let me back into my room.
Couldn't hold down anything, including water, until lunch time. Puked 2 times since waking up at 6 AM (with my alarm). Still feel somewhat sick, but better. No more drinking for me.