Who's drunk right now!?


Almost done.
Nov 3, 2005
I played the drinking game "Kings" last night for the first time... man does that game get you hammered in about 15 minutes.


Manic Mechanic
Mar 30, 2005
Chesapeake, VA
MassSupra89 said:
I played the drinking game "Kings" last night for the first time... man does that game get you hammered in about 15 minutes.

ahhhh fond memories....need to dust that one off again for the next party with my friends lol.


Manic Mechanic
Mar 30, 2005
Chesapeake, VA
There are different versions but this is pretty much the standard:

A deck of cards is used. A pitcher (or big cup) needs to be in the center of the table. The cards are placed around the pitcher in a circle. Play goes around the circle with each person drawing a card. The cards read as follows:
- Ace - Social (everyone drinks)

- 2-5 - Take that many sips (you drink)

- 6-9 - Give that many sips (you tell who to drink)

- 10 - To the left or to the right one sip (you pick which)

- Jack - Categories - the person who picks the card thinks of a topic, for example, cars. Then that person says a brand name like Ferrari. Everybody follows suit and the person who messes up drinks.

- Queen - Question - ask anyone a question, and they must drink as well

- King - Kings are little more different, the 1st king pours their beer or drink in the pitcher, then 2nd follows the first, the 3rd pours some in and then makes a time limit so when the 4th king is picked that person has to drink whatever is in the pitcher in the allotted time.

Prior to the game everyone should agree on how much a "sip" is.

Variations: This is a variation on the queen. Instead of having the queen being a question it can be the last person to touch their nose has to drink.


Almost done.
Nov 3, 2005
JustAnotherVictim said:
Lightweight. :icon_bigg

Not at all, I had played 8 games of beirut(beer pong), then 2 fast paced games of Kings with about 7 people which consumed about 6 more.


Almost done.
Nov 3, 2005
Squid699 said:
There are different versions but this is pretty much the standard:

A deck of cards is used. A pitcher (or big cup) needs to be in the center of the table. The cards are placed around the pitcher in a circle. Play goes around the circle with each person drawing a card. The cards read as follows:
- Ace - Social (everyone drinks)

- 2-5 - Take that many sips (you drink)

- 6-9 - Give that many sips (you tell who to drink)

- 10 - To the left or to the right one sip (you pick which)

- Jack - Categories - the person who picks the card thinks of a topic, for example, cars. Then that person says a brand name like Ferrari. Everybody follows suit and the person who messes up drinks.

- Queen - Question - ask anyone a question, and they must drink as well

- King - Kings are little more different, the 1st king pours their beer or drink in the pitcher, then 2nd follows the first, the 3rd pours some in and then makes a time limit so when the 4th king is picked that person has to drink whatever is in the pitcher in the allotted time.

Prior to the game everyone should agree on how much a "sip" is.

Variations: This is a variation on the queen. Instead of having the queen being a question it can be the last person to touch their nose has to drink.

We played very different from this... We play in a way that everything rhymes with the card you pick, its easier to remember drunk that way too.

this is how I play.

Saying turns are going clockwise...
- Ace - Waterfall, the person who drew tha card starts drinking and when he stops the person to the left of you can stop, then the person to the left of them, and so on until the last person drinking is the person sitting to the right of you

- 2- Is you. as In the person who drew the card points to someone and says "you" and they drink

- 3- Is me, as in the one who drew the card has to drink

- 4- is floor, you have to drop a free hand pointing to the floor and whoever is the last to put their hand down drinks

- 5- Is Guys... all guys have to drink

- 6 - Is Chicks... see above

- 7- Is Heaven, like 4-Floor but you put your hand up.

- 8- Is Pick a Date, you pick someone and you both drink

- 9- Bust a rhyme. you say a sentance and it goes around the table, people have to rhyme with what you said, the first person who cant make a rhyme drinks.

- 10- is Categories - the person who picks the card thinks of a topic, for example, cars. Then that person says a brand name like Ferrari. Everybody follows suit and the person who messes up drinks.

- Jack - Send it back. The person before you/ to the right of you drinks

- Queen - Seen this played many ways
-Question 1- say a question, it goes around the table and everyone has to answer with another question. first to answer without a question drinks.
-Question 2- ask someone a question, they have to answer and then drink
"Never have I ever"
You say something you've never done, and everyone who has done it has to drink example -"never have i ever gone swimming" everyone who has swam has to drink

- King - The person who draws the king makes up a rule. like "everyone has to tap the table twice before drinking" then for the rest of the game if someone drinks without following the rule, they have to drink again.

Holy crap that was long.
No cliffs-print it out and tack it to a wall at your next party.


Almost done.
Nov 3, 2005
It's pretty fast paced and I was drinking more than I was breathing, we went through all the cards, and like 4 beers each, in about 10 minutes.


Almost done.
Nov 3, 2005
Very fun, My friend Colin pulled the first king the other night and made a rule this girl Kelly had to flash everyone before she drank lol.


Manic Mechanic
Mar 30, 2005
Chesapeake, VA
hahah yeah......i made one where the girls had to kiss me when they drank....hehe....and there has been the obligatory flashing and girl/girl kissing seen as well.