For many years, have driven my 98 A8 in the snow.
Just bought a replacement, so the MK3 and the 98 A8 are up for sale.
It's a absolutely like brand new, 13,840 miles on the odom, 2004 Audi A8L. (Yes, I did not really think I wanted the L as they are 5" longer, and it's all added for the rear seat passengers, but dang, under 14k miles? And the service history on this car was amazing. It's had the 15k service done, and it was all done by the same dealer that sold it originally. The original owners must be loaded, so price was no object clearly.)
Got it for a good price in Portland of all places. (Had to take my 14 year old daughter there for a Dr. visit on her ankle distraction, and while there, decided to check out a few used cars.. Came across this one, and ended up buying it, cancelled my part of the flight back to Boise, put her on the plane, and then grabbed a free night at the HGI off Airport Way, just down the street from Horsepower/Tourqe Freaks.)
Drove it home yesterday, even in snow, and it's a very sweet car.
Basicly, with 4 snow tires, it would go pretty much anywhere in the snow and ice. With just good all season tires, it goes there just fine too, and handles better when the roads are wet or dry. I always have a set of wheels/tires with wider summer tires, and I change out the wheels/tires each season. (Goodyear Eagle F1 GSD3's are my tire of choice lately for the summer, but I might try a new design for suspensions that places more rubber along the inside edges for cars that tend to have more negative camber desinged into them like the Audi's and most BMW's etc.)
Nice and clean at the dealer as I picked it up.. Then reality of winter driving and mountain passes has left it pretty dirty, but since it's below freezing here, I will not wash it untill the weather warms up during the day to about 35f or higher.
BTW, my 1998 A8 is for sale if anyone is interested in a good winter/DD vehicle.

(Official thread to follow as I get some photos of it too when it's clean..)