Where/How did you get YOUR MK3(s)?


Jan 10, 2006
San Jose, CA
Dang everyone has stories so I better make mine better...

So when I was really young my parents had a White and Black 2 tone MK2 supra from where I learned to spell Toyota and Supra lol. Around the same time or a few years after ( I can't remember since I was so young) my uncle bought a MINT 87 hardtop N/A from some lady lawyer. When I was getting closer to the driving age I went through my ricer phase but thankfully I never touched a car. I saw a artice in a import mag of a light blue JDM 2JZ MK3 which got me thinking. Then a few months later there was a Black MK3 with a 1JZ that got my hooked on the SUPRA bug. Some how my dad asked my uncle if I can have the car when I was ready to drive and he said yes. So after a year and a half of this car in my possession it had gone though a lot of hard work. I am never going to forget this car because it is my first car and the car that I have worked a lot on and probably work even more on.


Swap never finished
Feb 5, 2006
Bay Area, California
I was looking for my first car through craigslist at the time. I knew a decent amount about cars and I wanted to learn more so I decided to pick a car up, plus I was getting tired of the beater I was driving. It turned out to be either between the Supra and a FC3S. I chose the Supra because of the crappy gas mileage the FC's get and didn't know too much about Supras at the time.

The previous owner was the first owner and still had all the receipts of the work done on the car. When I first saw the car, I was like wow.... I didn't know how to drive stick at the time, so my friend test-drove it for me, with me in the passenger. I fell in love with it as he was driving it. Next day, got the money and picked her up, drove her home too (without stalling once!!).

Long story short, chose the Supra, bought the Supra, never regret choosing it once (except that it's not turbo or doesn't have a targa).


Supra =
Aug 19, 2005
Downey, California, United States
My first Supra was an 87 NA/Hardtop/5 Speed...it was rear-ended about 3 days after I bought it on the first drive. :(


I drove it for almost a year and a half like that. It looked horrible, but I fell in love with it anyway. ;) Then the registration was due, and it had a salvaged title, and would cost a lot in fees to register...and I new I wanted a turbo targa model...

So I sold it for $900, and found this car to replace it:


An 87 Turbo, Targa, 5Spd...it didn't start, had a BHG, 200k miles, the wiring was shot, a stripped targa bolt, rotted tires, horrific interior, and paint like sandpaper...It had been sitting in the guy's driveway for almost a year, with a tarp over it.

But I loved it instantly, and bought it!!! I paid $1,200 for it Sept. 2005, and had it towed 70 miles home.

After a TON of work, it is running great, the paint has been restored, interior replaced, wiring redone, and boosting 12 pounds. :D
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Boobs/Boost, my favorite
Jun 13, 2006
Los Angeles
I always loved MKIII Supras.

In GranTurismo (the original), it was my 1st car, because I didn't want a pussy looking car...

But, after selling my 240, I was left car-less. I came home and my bro said "we got you a car, but you aren't going to like it. 1st of all, it's front wheel" I said "FUCK!" (dad was going to get me car, as long as I paid him back)

I walk to the back of the driveway, where I see a car covered in a tarp, I expect the worse, and my bro pulls off the wraps, and BAM..

white package targa 89!

I learned how to drive stick in it...

I've never hugged my dad before, but I had to for the MKIII. I payed him back the $1200 he got it for (guy was originally asking $2200)...

I admire his l337 haggling skills..


May 24, 2005
Oregon -> Arizona
I bought my 1987 non-turbo in Newberg, Oregon, December 2002. Found it on autotrader. My fiancee got in an accident with it in January 2007. I then found my current 1991 turbo from a member on here. Had it shipped from Florida. :)


The Future is Unwritten
Mar 30, 2005
Prince George, B.C.
My first '89 my brother found it for sale on some guys private website. I bought it and got it sipped half way acoss the country only to discover it was rotten underneath (lots of rust) parted that one out and started saving and looking for a new one.

The next '89 I was browsing through Buy and Sell and came across this one for sale. I called about it and it was still available. So I got a guy I knew (GrimJack) to go take a look over it for me. He called me and told me to buy it if I could. I went to the bank the next day. I bused down to pick it up, and drove it home.

The '86.5 that I just got I've known the guy for quite some time and almost bought it between the first two but decided I needed a targa so I passed on it. Now he was moving and it was either I buy it or it gets scrapped. I wanted to pick up a new daily driver anyways so it worked out great.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Posted a WTB on supra forums, a guy contacted me from NY. The car was primo mint with 104k miles on it. I bought it... then on the way back, my dad promptly completely destroyed the front bumper, and paid none of the damage, and didn't tell insurance. Needless to say, I won't ever say a word to him now. :)


Senior VIP Member
Aug 23, 2006
Hot and Humid, KY
ValgeKotkas said:
Thaanks, I always knew you're a good teacher!

^QFT ;)

Anyways... My cousin bought his supra first like early '05. I didn't know anything about supras back then, but that this one was turbo, targa, 5spd, and had an intercooler on it. It had been sitting in this guys yard with 3 feet of grass around it, got it for 1K, full leather interior in decent shape too. It had BHG, so after me doing some research for him, he opted to do take it to his mechanic and give it a HG job. During the period this was going on (slow ass mechanic) he bought all the goodies for it (was bone stock when bought BTW), this includes: SS air filter mod, full 3" turbo back, cooleeze full IC hard pipe kit, HK$ SSQV, cooleeze turbo inlet pipe, autometer boost gauge, and new plugs and wires. He got the car back (finally!), put all the shit on there, and took it for a drive. This sucker felt like it started boosted imediately and the torque felt wicked (for someone who had never ridden in a turbo car before this was when I fell in love with the supra). I drove it a few times myself and was just blown away by how much of a difference all those mods made on the supra (being as you wouldn't gain but maybe 20 HP at the most if you did something like this to an NA car ;). About 300 miles later, he got BHG doing like 110 or something (so he said, I wasn't there when it happend).

Fast forward a few months later and I have this incredible itch to have a turbo car. An aquaintance of mine (who is into turbo DSM's, just like I was back then) told me there was a 1G turbo FWD eclipse in the paper FS along with a turbo supra. I was undecided on what to get. My first choice was to get the DSM as that's what I've alway driven (and still drive my 3G, but they aren't considered DSMs anymore) so I called up the person selling it and found out that I was too late :(.

Off to go look at the supra! My cousin and I arrange a meeting to see the supra, we drive all the way to Doson Springs (sp?) and test drive it. As we are looking for the place we see this Grey Pre '89 supra with 18" rims sitting beside the road with a FS sign, this is my car! And damn did it look good! I get out and go and look at it. Up close I noticed the paint was in dire need of a respray (and still is), the 18" Enkies looked like someone played ping pong with them against two curbs, the tires were super narrow, like 195's, but brand spankin new, and the magority of the passenger side was damaged :(. I said, oh what the hell, I'll drive it since we're down here. We jump start it, fires right up ;). Popped the hood... Nasty looking under there, melted vacume lines by the firewall due to the exhaust studs pulling out and not being retorqued. I blipped the throttle and a puff of smoke came out around the back of the manifold (uh huh), the kids grandad said, "oh, it's just burnig oil and it's coming out of the cut off downpipe (rusted exhaust)... Rrrrriiight ;). He also said that the valve cover gaskets were just replaced and that why there was some oil in the galley (BS!, still the same old cracked ones). So after my inspection I come the conclusion that this kid is going to have to come way down on the price before I even think of buying this thing. We get in it and go for a spin. Now my cousin's supra would shift like shit, probably needs a good rebuild on his R154, this one's tranny shifted like butter... +1 The car sounds like shit, half an exhaust and bone stock otherwise. We pull around and start to head back. I tell the kid that I'm going to test out the turbo since I hadn't made it spool yet on the test drive, so I punch it... Nothing like my cousin's supra before it BHG'd ;). I couldn't hear the turbo spool due to it being stock with a big fucking exhaust leak in more than one place, but it did finally boost, wasn't nothing big, but it was very noticable... So the turbo bug bit me at that moment and I got a big ass grin on my face. We get back to the guys house and he tells me he has this knock off Greedy BOV he'll throw in, along with the sawblades and a pacesetter exhaust (still have that thing laying around somewhere's...) I promptly point out all the things wrong with the car and I am still seriously under the impression that he tried drifting with it, due to all the shit messed up on it, but I got him to go down on his price by half of what he was asking. Some may think I got ripped, but you just don't see a supra around here and I just had to have one right then and there ;). Got home with it (no probs) checked the glove bod and found most of the recipts for the repairs on the car. Turns out it had had two BHG repairs on it already... Put on most of the shit in my profile, retorqued the exhaust studs, and am still running strong on this engine (except the RK it has that wasn't noticable over the big exhaust leak on the manifold until it was retorqued), but this one will be saying goodbye to the car when it's time for the rebuild.


Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
Had a buddy of mine (Austin) that bought an '89 White Supra, N/A Targa automagic for $6k off a dealer lot in Wildwood.

He wrecked it, not his fault. Asked me to find him a nice turbo for under $3k. I had *zero* knowledge of the Supra Community, so I went all over Florida. After checking out a multitude of turbo Supras, ended up picking up an '88 Turbo Supra, dark charcoal, turbo boosting good, that was running pig rich. Had already called Toyota and learned how to pull the codes - had a code 52 and a code 64 - according to Toyota, Knock Sensor and Lockup Solenoid. Ok, cool - other than running rich, it seems to run pretty hard - got it for $2800 after tax/tag/title.

Drove it from Miami to Wildwood, no problems, just running rich (which the Toyota Tech in Miami told me it would do, due to a code 52).

I tell Austin to make sure he replaces the knock sensor ASAP. I was in the middle of moving to Ocala when this all took place.

Fast forward 2 years. I get a call from Austin 'Um... John, I think I killed the Supra.'

'What? How?'

'Can you take a look at it for me?'

I go check it out - BHG (still had no idea about the 7M's tendency toward it) - Also, that damn knock sensor and lockup sensor had NEVER BEEN REPLACED.

'Austin, why haven't you fixed the problems you had when you BOUGHT THE CAR? :3d_frown:'

Long story short, he ended up having someone else work on the car, gave this guy $1000 to fix the BHG, and never got it running right again. Fast forward another year. Austin calls me up - "John, I need a car that runs. I'm going to sell the Supra."

"Let me see what I can do for you, Austin."

Pull up Ocala4Sale - '87 N/A 5 speed hardtop for sale - doesn't run - $500.

I go check it out, ask the seller what happened when it died - he said it didn't really die, he pressure washed the car out, and then it started misfiring like mad. Never got it to work right again, so he said screw it, and it'd been sitting for about 3 months. Also needed a new carrier bearing (which he had).

I looked the motor over, and realized what he had done - water in the center head valley. I talked him down to $250, handed him the cash, he signed the title over to me. Went over to Advance, picked up a battery, tossed it in the car, and drove it home :)

I personally went over everything in that car for Austin. Brakes, hoses, carrier bearing. Cleaned it all up, tuned it up, and got it running pretty damn nicely. Kept all the receipts on the parts, handed them to Austin, who paid me back for the car and all the parts (hey, I'm a damn good friend to have :)). He was still planning on selling the Supra, and we're sitting there talking about it, when this guy comes up and offers him $2k in cash, right there. He looks at the car, looks at me, and tells the guy 'No, sorry, I'm giving it to him, if he wants it?'

Free Supra? Yeah, what the hell. I've had the car about 2 years now, found SM, fixed the BHG, fixed the knock sensor, fixed the lockup solenoid, replaced hoses all over, massive tune up, and well - you guys know where it stands now :)

Sorry for the novel. It's just funny how a series of events dropped a really awesome Supra in my lap, for literally helping a friend out in his time of need. :)

Of course, now his clutch slave cylinder is leaking. His response? 'I'll just add more fluid to it as I need it.'

'Dammit Austin, that's a $20 part - REPLACE IT.'

I know he can do it - he replaced his driveshaft with a 1 piece Aluminum one ;) His N/A is still a blast to drive around!


rediculous DD
Mar 1, 2007
Chandler, Arizona
where to start......i was headed down the wrong road when i was deciding on what car to get as my first....i wanted a honda.....thats right, a honda, and make it rice as fuck.....then my friend (on my eighteenth b-day) slapped an envelope in my hand that read "here Fucker". i opened it and saw a key and a title. I didnt beleive it, keys to his supra....he had blown the motor about a year ago and it was just sitting in the backyard ever since.....now its at my house with a new 7m-ge almost running!


Moving to Japan!!!
Nov 30, 2006
Jacksonville, NC
first supra was an 89 n/a 5spd and i saved it from the junk yard for 700 bucks, it was my daily driver for about 4 or 5 months and then i joined the marine corps, a year or so later, i found another one that was identical to my first one...same color, same year, same tranny, and still n/a, only this one had 119,000 miles on it, so i bought it for 3500, it is nearly mint, with leather interior. Then i did the n/a-turbo conversion on it recently and it is currently down getting a full rebuild to include forged pistons and rods.:evil2:


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
worked with jonoturbo over the summer and looked at a few z cars for sale. then i found out that his friend was selling this 1989 NA white supra with burgandy interior for sale. went and looked at it at work, and withing a week gave him cash.