Where/How did you get YOUR MK3(s)?


Built 7M
Jun 20, 2006
My car the day i bought it, Want see my car now check out my build thread.











Tell me what you think , I got it on ebay for $610 bucks.:naughty:


best be eating your soup!
Jan 28, 2007
Norwalk, IA
i drove to arkansas. just baught it alitle over a month ago. drove it back from arkansas. broke it the next day. and its still broke to this day... [if u wanna help, check out my thread in the 7m-gte tech section] :-D

love it so far though!


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
I bought mine off of AutoTrader from a guy that lives in Utah. He drove it to St. Louis Missouri which is about halfway from utah to Alabama. My cousin and I drove to St. Louis, met him, paid him, and then drove it back home. Twenty thousand dollars later, I have the car that is in my sig...............:biglaugh:


New Member
Feb 4, 2007
Bay Area
bought mine for 4300 on craigslist, asked if it had a BHG, he said no, i was too excited to give a thorough check, paid another 1200 for HG job among other things


Authorized Vendor
Jun 2, 2006
Tampa, Florida
Traded a 1996 Ford Conversion Van (High Top) for it. I think I did ok, I dont think the list of upgrades were 100% the truth. I was told it had a felpro HG and ARP's, however about 4 months later I got the dreaded BHG.


Starting FRESH !!!!
Dec 17, 2006
In 2003 i was a junior in high school. One day , me and my pops,we're at the junk yard I saw a car($600, 86.5 N/A 5spd with lsd hardtop) that was ugly as fuck. But i like the body lines on it and it kinda looked like a batman car lol. I told my dad , that the car was buff looking, lol. One week before my B-day. I was skating in the skate park with my buddys. I saw the same car and i told them , that car looks bad ass. I came home and the car was in the drive way. Same day, I did the oil change and started the car and drove it around town. But it was over-heating and i was wtf? Then one day, i came home, the car was gone. I got it back, my dad fixed the hg. Any ways, i was going to San Francisco one night when i was 17, i saw a black GST, so i started to race him, i blew my motor and i had to spend the night in the highway, lol.
The car was never completed still in the garage lol.

In 2004 i purchased my second supra for $500 it was all in boxes , from some an asian guy that had seen to much initial d and wanted to drift. The car is a 87 T 5spd targa. I replaced the motor a couple of times until, I finally got on my ass and ran out of money from just getting jdm motors every time i got a bhg lol. Did the hg and new valves and valve seals, new egr.

Wow, i think i will stop there lol.


Supramania Contributor
Sep 17, 2006
Woodbury, MN
I bought mine for $3300 from supraforums. The user also posts here on SM (who will remain anonymous). I was told it had a rebuilt engine with HKS MHG and ARP hardware, but with a blown turbo. It also came with a bosch BOV, eBay downpipe, and custom exhaust. Turns out it had blown piston rings, improperly torqued head, blocked oil passages, AND a blown turbo. Hopefully I'll be in the clear after about $4000....:icon_mad:
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Breaking In - in progress
Mar 30, 2005
Northern California
I was desperate for a Supra and didnt want anything else so I looked around 2 weeks and saw pics on yahoo autos.
Some guy who worked for the Air Force was selling one for $1200. He stayed at the Air Force base in Riverside, California. The supra had a electrical problem.

People told me not to believe what I see on the net and not to buy it. My gut told me this was my Supra. I didnt have a way to go get it because my family is very far away from me and nobody wanted to drive me there.

But I was desperate. I got my g/f's brother in law to drive me down in his GM truck with a U-Haul trailer.He charged me $600 for driving and I ended up paying an extra $300 for fuel. His truck was badly out of tune too. I could have just paid $600 for a tow truck driver to get it for me.
I got ripped off but what the heck I got my Supra...

I drove from Northern Cal to Southern Cal...Picked up the car at night and my g/f's bro in law wanted to drive up the same night. We decided to but found out that the U- Haul trailer tail and indicator lights were gone. So it was too dangerous to drive like that esp with traffic behind us.

I cannot remember where we stopped but there were no hotels around so we slept in the truck. I, of course jumped in my supra and listened to the radio all night long till the next morning.

Drove back home and got straight to work on the electrical problem.
Fixed it within 30 mins and I was good to go.

Well worth the $1000 to hire the driver and pay his fuel to get my Supra.
When I got my Supra it made me soo happy..My pride and joy...



Apr 2, 2005
hmm i bought from down south(mint interior, no rust loz) 1jz swaped already. drove it back home.
it overheated. could not separate me and the car(probably was meant to be)
towed it home 500miles away(dont ask how much)

although she's not my first but i will definatly be her last !!


da puerto rican supra man
Apr 2, 2005
About year and a half ago i was over at my cousins house and he told me about his neighbor had a supra that was just sitting in his garage and he wanted to get rid of it. I went and talked to him and he told me it was a 92 with 99k and a bhg and he only wanted 800. The car didn't have a very good paint job (which it still needs :cry: ) but, the interior was in great condition and the body was straight. Picked up the car 2 days after and its a great experience ever since and i wouldn't trade it for the world.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Got it from a guy in the city. $2100, 140k miles, NA. Took me almost a year 1/2 to find one, cause no one in TN seems to have supras.
Looking to turbo it now.


Formerly 86mister2
Feb 26, 2007
Cali South Bay
I got a little bit of cash in my pocket and I suggested to my roommate that I was looking for another car. He told me about these people he knows with a bunch of cars, they're always selling them and getting something new. So I call them up and find out what they got, nothing sounded too appealing except a '99 740iL. It was a bit pricey for me, so I didn't go and check it out.

A few weeks later, my roomate and I were talking again and he brought up the Supra, he said it was another car they had that wasn't necessarily for sale. I demanded he call as soon as possible to find out if they would sell. To my surprise, the answer was yes and we set up a meeting time. The husband was out driving it and we got to their house before him.

We were standing in his driveway when he pulled up. His driveway is up a small hill, so the nose of the Supra crested the horizon first, and I could instantly hear the 7M purr. I knew right then and there that I must have the car, no quesitons asked.

My roommate knows this family well, they're the owners of the company he works for, so he didn't even hesitate to throw us the keys and let us take it for a ride. We were gone for a while, and I thought he'd be pissed.

Turns out he had left in one of his other cars, and we were instructed to leave the keys in the mail box. Very trusting guy, he saw I was gaga over the car and knew I wouldn't try anything.

I went to the bank first thing the next morning, got the cash, and brought my baby home. I instantly was hooked, and bought all my mods during the next few days. :) Pics of her if you click on my sig pic.
May 19, 2006
SE Wisconsin
Got min from I guy I met at my first job. He stored it every winter and took it Toyota for every maintenance check because his dad worked for Toyota. payed 3800 for it and lets just say I haven't had a thought of remorse since I handed him the cash.