Generally I want stock final wheel height (or close to) so the speedo isn't too far off, with equal height front and back. I want the 17's on back to give me some sidewall, the 18's are too stiff. Having a grabby tire but no sidewall for hook isn't good when you go above 400 and once I up my boost past 14 psi, my current wheels break free in third.
I want to run 245's up front and 275-295 on the rear.
Basically the following image is where my brain is at... I am not sure if this will fit ("?" is the one I want to shoot for). The offset confuses me because I see some people saying 20.. and to me.. that would have to be rolled/pulled. Not sure how far I can go before I start encroaching on my suspension... and.. like I said.. don't really want to roll/pull the quarters.