87CandyBlueT said:
It's insanity, (Doing the same thing and expecting a different result). especially in this case as we've been to Iraq before.
No argument here...it is insane. But what you have to realize is the culture in the Middle East does not have the same values as the West. Not even close...their value on life is minimum and the rise of a fascist belief based on religion is making the situation much worse. I've spent some time over there...Egypt and Saudi...been to Iraq, but didn't stop

That is what I am basing my view on. I could tell you some stories that would curl your hair. The sooner we all realize the people in the Middle East do not think like we do...the better we will all understand and see what's happening.
Joel - you're very well read

Since you have looked at the history, consider this: The 3rd Crusade involved Salidem and Richard the Lion Hearted...basically it ended in a draw. Neither side "won" and a truce was called between the Christians and Islamic forces. Ever since that time, Islam morphed from a religion of tolerance to one of intolerance...this is when the term Jihad changed. Jihad means "struggle" and has two meanings in Islam...Greater Jihad is a person's inner struggle to be a good person and live according to the Prophet's teachings; Lesser Jihad is a physical struggle like protecting your family (or Islam) from aggression.
Before the 3rd Crusade, Islam always emphasized Greater Jihad...if you think about it, most religions have similar concepts. After the 3rd Crusade, due to neither side winning, Lesser Jihad became emphasized by the Iams...the struggle never ended and continues to this day. The thing I'm seeing is a further change toward Fascism...very similar to the Nazis, but with a major difference. It's backed by one of the largest religions in the world.