believe me, if he puts up a good enough arguement and provides proof that it indeed did have emotional damage not only to HIM but his family as well. It will definitely fly in court.
What about the emotional distraught your "Mother/SIgnificant other" went through when they got the phoen call that you were rear ended by a semi doing 70mph+ in rain? Even moreso the fact that your car, that youve put time and money into has been damaged beyond repair? Follow Adjusters suggestions and go for the company. At the very minimum make sure your medical bills and the supra is paid for.
Its all about how you present the facts and such.
What about the emotional distraught your "Mother/SIgnificant other" went through when they got the phoen call that you were rear ended by a semi doing 70mph+ in rain? Even moreso the fact that your car, that youve put time and money into has been damaged beyond repair? Follow Adjusters suggestions and go for the company. At the very minimum make sure your medical bills and the supra is paid for.
Its all about how you present the facts and such.
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