what a looooong day...
but this thread did ask "What did you do to your supra today?" so I will tell all!
woke up, ate breakfast and right away lifted the Supra enough to remove the bolts on the underside of the exhaust mani (and prior to that, remove the accordion intake hose) , then removed the bolts connecting it to the block and unplugged the o2 sensor..
that then gave me room to stick a vice grip on the non-working oil pressure sender and twist that sucker free.
Once that was done, I went to the inside of the car and started removing the entire gauge cluster, center console, and glove box to expose the wiring harness to the ecu (and most importantly the grommet in the firewall where the harness enters the engine bay) so that I could find a nice route for the nylon oil pressure line to go through. The I fastened the nylon tubing to the compression fitting, fitting to the engine block (didnt forget that teflon tape!), then routed the nylon tubing through the grommet and to the hole left behind by the gauge cluster. Then fitted the tube to the gauge by another compression fitting and TRIED to wire the light for the gauge to the cigarette lighter...(totally failed, i need to find a better power source because it didnt turn on at all..).
Put everything back together and started the car only to notice that my gauge read ZERO psi...
i knew the gauge was working and there were no leaks by the fittings so i decided to check the engine oil level with the dipstick.. and guess what?
I couldn't even see any oil on the dipstick after i inserted it into the oil pan the second time.. this scared the hell out of me but gave me a reason for why my engine sounded like it was knocking lately.. :[
I went to autozone, bought 5 qts of penzoil 20W-50 oil and one bottle of Lucas Synthetic Oil Stabilizer and went back home (not in my car of course).
Got home, drained the oil only to find ONE and a HALF quarts of oil in the engine...it was supposed to have between 4-5 quarts..
Plugged the oil pan back up, poured 4 quarts of the 20W-50 oil in and the entire bottle of the Lucas oil treatment in. Turned it on and right away I saw the gauge reading 40-50 oil psi

Let it warm up to operating temperature and took it for a spin and ALL of the knocking sounds were instantly eliminated!!

All thats left now to get done is to fix the root of my low-oil problems.. bad rear main seal!
Keeping an eye on the oil level until i can get that done, along with a full quart of penzoil in my trunk just incase.
Already have the rear main seal ready to go along with a Phonenix Friction Stage 2 Clutch kit
Cant wait to get 'err done!! Then its no worries cruising for a little while
Productive day though!