Doat;1956402 said:
I know that is why I am asking you guys lol. I'm getting OEM bushings and try to find Tokico TEMS shocks or something, I also plan on getting Moog ball joints too since mine are squeaking.
lol at the previous comment...dont worry i wont burn it down just yet. i think i got the circle jerk from toyo here in my town and the one in houston, both said i can only get 5th gear thrust out of cali. so i call cali thinking they can get it out of a warehouse next day and overnight it direct so i "might" have gotten it sat but prob mond. cali guy says "yeah no matter what, the cali depo is a national depo and no matter how close you are its ALWAYS 3-4 days to get shit out of there...BUT cincinatti, chicago, somewhere in kansas have some in their warehouses and they should be able to get the part next day and ship overnight".
so i call cinci since he said they had 2 and the guy acted like i was asking him to drive the part to texas himself or something...."no sir, we cant ship overnight or even prio...only flat basic shipping" 2nd dealer was nicer but said same thing, but this time they think its 3-4 days like cali says. i call houston back again to get confirmation that he was 100% certain that he thought 7-10 business days was correct like he originally told me...hes real blunt and just says no, NOTHING i can do. after this i threw my phone at my couch in frustration, not hard but hard enough it bounced back off and landed face down cracking the screen in a million ways.
i calmed and went and upgraded my phone like i planned to next week anyways...just bad timing. got the new'ish htc one...anyways back on topic.
i got ahold of the 3rd cinci dealer and this guy was ok to work with. says "yeah, if you wouldve called about an hour or so ago id have to tomorrow and ship it out then or sat but i wont get it till sat at the soonest and it might not ship till monday"...i ask em about shipping and he says fedex usually gets the business and is pretty quick about it. so, cool get it ordered and he says theyll charge me when it comes out and is ready to be shipped out. in reality i prob wont get it till wed/thurs next week. atleast i learned how to triple check my shit before i start torquing.
on your topic of suspension, that was why my car was on stand for so long last time so i can give you a good idea what to do. i got the illumina 2's, driftmotion subframe spacers and h&r race springs on enery polys(springs are low and pretty stiff so i wouldnt go that route) i think the shocks make things a little stiffer than stock but not unbearable even with race springs and poly bushings...which leads me to my next suggestion, GET POLY. its going to last longer and IMO it wont make for a harsh ride, just better all around. i used the energy's from drift motion front and rear and price wasnt bad at all. the only bushings you wont get are the spherical bushings (DO NOT remove these thinking you can swap poly in, it wont work right) if the sphericals arent frozen stuck and arent sloppy i wouldnt bother changing em.
if i were to do it again i would have saved myself the trouble and bought camber bolts front and rear. i think a huge majority of our cars have seized camber bolts (lower control arm bolts) and the only way to get em out is to cut em. i was cheap and went to the junk yard and hacked the tabs off and cut around the control arms to get the bolts out (very tedious and wasnt worth the cost saving at all...i only did it due to time constraint)
air tools and a press are almost a must have to do the swap...some state theyve done without but im an experienced diesel tech and theres no way i couldve done without. i didnt use a press but i had a harbor freight balljoint puller and even then the tool was garbage by the time i got the job done. if you use stock bushings to go back in youll almost certainly need a press due to the outer metal sleeve needing to go in perfectly straight or itll burr up and never go in.
pm me if you need any more help on the not THE expert on the subject but ive done it and can walk you through it pretty easy.