Ways to cure 7M oiling issues


New Member
Apr 5, 2005
Lexington KY
I can chime into the reduce cost thing. I know this cause I work for toyota. Cost reduction is a daily expectation. If you can think of an idea to reduce cost, the Co. will pay you for your idea.


Arizona Performance
Nov 14, 2005
Mesa, AZ
I worked fro GM for 4 years, I saved money on several different programs, $.05 on a water pump casting, collaborated on an exhaust manifold and heat shield design, Supercharger intake manifold design, 3.8 liter fresh air inlet, and tons of other little things like that. GM and my bosses were all excited about these changes. Our department got an award every time we got numbers back from the Financial dept. Sometimes there was a party for the whole engineering department. It was a huge deal to save 5 cents on a part that they are going to make 4 million of.

When I started working at McDonnell Douglas I was tasked with redesigning the trailing edge of the Apache AH-64 longbow. There was a com (communications) port on the wing tip that was a 5 piece aluminum structure assembly that had to be riveted together. I came up with a design that made it easier to make, lighter, stronger, out of one piece, and a lot less (I don't know how much) expensive.

At GM this would have gone through a whole army of comities then, we would get approvals for the go ahead.

At Boeing (then McDonnell Douglas) I suggested the idea, my boss said, (extremely matter of fact, like) "Sure go ahead." I said "I don't need to get any approval?" he said "Uhhh, check with stress..." I did, it was fine and there was no more fan fare than that. A few months later my new design was on every Apache from there on out.

I was shocked at the difference in attitude between a company that made 4 million of one part to go in several different model year vehicles V.S. a company that made 1000 helicopters over a 20 year period.


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
LOL always amazes me when I see parts on our cars being deleted "cos they're not needed and don't affect anything" like Toyota put them there just for fun and not that even a simple part can run into $millions$ over a production run and if they could build the car without it they would..... :nono:


.928 RWHP & Climing!
Apr 1, 2006
Hey IJ, no need to start a rant because of my post. I never said this was absolutely the thing to do. Just an idea. I'm not BY FAR a mechanic and I've always said this openly. This is just a hobby for me and I'm learning everyday. I thought I would share my findings, good or not, with the members and see what they have to say.

Obviously you have something against me from what I've gather during my membership on Supramania. Why? I don't know. I guess you ARE a Grumpy Old Man...

Next time, don't waste so many words (people this and people that) and just tell me I've inconvenienced you with my lack of knowledge.

P.S - I decided not to insert any characters or icons to this post. You can read it and interpret it as you will.


Drafting, not tailgating
May 18, 2005
HippieTown, CA
I think Ian had a valid point at it wasn't directed completely (or solely) towards you. Its more of a thought process thing (or lack there of) that runs rampent in the modifying community. Doesn't matter if its mkiii's, mkiv's (ask the same dumbshit ?'s on SF 'which exhaust is better' 'can I run 20psi on stock 150k twins' etc), rustangs, honduhs, whatever. Don't take it so personal.

Trying to understand why something is how it is, is the first step to the question of can I/ should I modify it.


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
DK: If I meant to address YOU I would have......

I was generalising based on past experience, you asked me to "elaborate" I did and that's where me speaking directly to you or about you ended.

I didn't realise I was ranting I actually took the time to reply and asked why you thought it a good idea (which you didn't answer)


.928 RWHP & Climing!
Apr 1, 2006
First, I would like to apologize to the guys for taking this into OT mode...

bwest - I agree it wasn't completely directed to me, but it started, and took a twisted turn because of me. When someone starts complaining about a certain idea or attitude just after someone has made a relevant comment on the subject matter, is usually directed to that person. We all lack knowledge of something and we were all beginners at one point or another.

IJ - Here's your answer.

Information was presented. Opinion was presented. It was made clear in my first post, it was an idea and had not been tested. The idea was to seal the hole, not remove the pilot. Ideas and/or comments can be misinterpreted left and right all day. What one cannot see behind the computer screen is the intention of the person posting. Is this person writing for ego gratification? Is this person writing to genuinely help another? I always choose the later.

I felt that it would be in our best interests if I took a Martian attitude to this topic and have done so as best I can; Jupiter would have been ineffective. The information I presented, funded entirely by an idea (as stated), would likely help someone analyze what's being discussed more, accept the idea or discard it. My opinion, or anyone's for that matter, should not sway one's attitude toward a decision. Opinion is merely a secretion of emotion and any effect it has on another is an obstacle in that person's path. It is tests & experience that matters [yet how does one know if the tests or experience have been fabricated? Well, that is where intelligence(or common sense as true intelligence is known by most) comes into play]. If you are driving along and get a flat, naturally, you are going to be pissed off. However, supposing that you missed that nail by a 1* change of wheel direction, would this not be better than if you had crashed into a minivan with a family of 4 and a dog had you not have gotten a flat? Therein contains the secret of the trickster.

Thank you for the information and examples you've shared. Now, may I say maybe the next time you reply to one of my posts, you might want to analyze it and reply with a statement that elaborates on your thoughts instead of immediately labeling it as a complete failure.

Glad we all got that cleared up . And for the benefit of all, this will be my last post on this topic. Good riddance you say? Perhaps, but heed not my words lightly!


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
Dude if I had a problem with you you'd know about it.....

You're overthinking things here to a power of 10.

I'm NOT going to analyse every single post I read here I'm sorry I'm not a young man I don't have that many years left.

Your idea was a complete failure and my elaboration pointed out why I don't see any reason to sugar coat things.


Apr 21, 2006
San Antonio, TX
Here is my extended oil pan for the Cressida 7M.
The extensions are off the shelf from www.speedwaymotors.com.
The scraper is of my own design.
As is the swing baffle.
Not shown in the picture are extra, full length scavenging scrapers on the right side of the pan, to increase oil drain back, and drain channels behind them to allow oil from the main scraper a direct path to the sump.

This is going on a NA camed 7M that will be turning 8000+ RPM, so oil control was very important.
But it turned out so nice, I will also be putting one on my forced induction 7M.


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New Member
Mar 13, 2006
Sheesh, talk about wasting words. MKIII Driftking NONE of what IJ was talking about was directed at you, my friend. You are neither "Cletus Street Racer" Nor "Billy Joe Bubba Dumb fuck". I'm sure he was speaking more about the people who want to "clean up the engine bay" and such by removing all the "ugly" parts such as the charcoal canister he refered to,(it's obviously a peeve of his) so please just relax.

Sorry about the thread william.

Fanatic, you may want to consider an accusump. I have also made some mods to sump and decided its just damn good insurance. I'm going to give this one way screen a try also #20-906


Apr 24, 2005
Tampa, Fl.
7M-fanatic said:
Here is my extended oil pan for the Cressida 7M.
The extensions are off the shelf from www.speedwaymotors.com.
The scraper is of my own design.
As is the swing baffle.
Not shown in the picture are extra, full length scavenging scrapers on the right side of the pan, to increase oil drain back, and drain channels behind them to allow oil from the main scraper a direct path to the sump.

This is going on a NA camed 7M that will be turning 8000+ RPM, so oil control was very important.
But it turned out so nice, I will also be putting one on my forced induction 7M.

dude, thats nice. same pan i need for my mkii. how much oil do each of thos kickouts add?


Jan 11, 2006
Brighton, MI
7M-fanatic said:
Here is my extended oil pan for the Cressida 7M.
The extensions are off the shelf from www.speedwaymotors.com.
The scraper is of my own design.
As is the swing baffle.
Not shown in the picture are extra, full length scavenging scrapers on the right side of the pan, to increase oil drain back, and drain channels behind them to allow oil from the main scraper a direct path to the sump.

This is going on a NA camed 7M that will be turning 8000+ RPM, so oil control was very important.
But it turned out so nice, I will also be putting one on my forced induction 7M.

Great Info. I was trying to find oil pan extensions like that. Ill haft to pick some up.


Aug 29, 2005
I Read the first section of this thread and it mentioned replacing the the oil cooler to increase pressure, It said that there is a Thermostat that controls the coolers use, Is it required for the system to work correctly and how would i go about replacing it, I planed on doing that and a filter relocation kit to make things a little bit more oily.