Id like to first put out my prayers to the Familys of the lost students and faculity from Virgina Tech, I was born and raised in Blacksburg untill moving a little over 2 years ago, I am only about 2 hours away but this still hit home, I didnt know anyone that attended but i did have family that worked there, and took a while to reach him to ensure he was ok, I was even late to work to make sure he was ok. I have read the news from work from my phone, had family and friends from back home keeping me updated on everything that was going on. It is just a shame of what happened, and i can see alot of points from both sides of people reacting of how the whole situation was handled, I do belive the school handled it as best as they could. And i do agree, at the time the 2nd shooting was going on it was too late for many students to be notified to remain indoors. But i do feel that they could have handled things alot better and that anytime a shooting would happen that a lock down should happen on the school. It really is just a shame.
As far as people commenting on the students and faculty being pussys, my local news was there and also watching NBC nightly news. that many did infact resist and prevent access to a few classrooms. I honestly dont think that if some one came shooting in your home that you would be able to react and respond quick enough to stop some one who was on a mission to kill and create havoc, I can only imagine how much confusion that happened in that dorm and classroom when the shootings began, I think of myself as a person who is not afraid and would stand up underpressure, but i really feel that in a situation like that i would be scared for my life and wouldnt think strait. I can only think anyone of military or lawenforcment back grounds would have been the ones to really confront and take action against him.
sorry to rant, but this did hit home for me and i will be leaving early in the am to go and attend the gathering that will be happening tomorrow.
May peace come to this world.