Yup they all lied, I know this cause I read it on the back of my hillary clinton edition Weaties box that all the things the republicans say are lies and only the democrats know the Real truth. Wait maybe I read that on the bathroom wall in the alien spacecraft when I was abducumacated last month, either way it was signed by Paul Wolfowitz, ya I know what you thinking, this guy is whacked and he's making it up. Honest engines I read it on the bathroom wall in the alien spaceship, and who are you to say I am lying? After all I did read it right? so it must be true. I am still waiting for that film of GW lying, not saying that he was given bad information. Geez I have many times been given bad information and had my boss chew on me a after the negative results, it’s all part of being in leadership positions. The Pres is human and all the others involved in the big bad government are human, mistakes are made everyday. Here's what I think is a big mistake, us arguing here over he said she said when the negative side can't produce concrete evidence of GW lying, ( cause then I'd join ya in saying he's a liar) I’ll say it again, IF there were film of GW lying it would be played nightly, period. Please don't live your life as a team repeater, one that simply repeats what others have said, if you don’t know something for a fact keep it to yourself and don’t try and poison the waters of others all for the sake of your team returning to power in DC.