Veitnam Part 2?

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I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
ChadMKIII said:
Once again, I had a long response and my browser crashed. Here goes again.
Wow, firefox man, firefox.

ChadMKIII said:
We DID NOT specifically put Saddam into power, nor specifically give Saddam weapons.

We supported a coup by the Ba'athists, of which Saddam just happened to be a young member, like any other member. He eventually got into power after a THIRD coup put a Ba'athist general into power, he came after that general. We did not specifically install Saddam.

So, we did put him in power then, We put in those who at the time were fighting those we were fighting.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

ChadMKIII said:
Next, we did not specifically give Saddam weapons. We gave some arms to the Ba'athists in the 1960's. While some of these did end up being used against the Kurds, the majority of the major weapons, and the modern weapons, were courtesy of other world powers who are not particularly good friends with the U.S.

Again, not directly did we give him weapons, but we did.

ChadMKIII said:
First, it has nothing to do with popularity. Next, we have no idea what the recruiters knew about this kid. We're both just speculating, so its a moot point.
so your saying that a recruiter doesnt do back ground checks?
They know everything about you when you join, to say they didnt is plain stupid. Its no moot point, they knew about the kid.

ChadMKIII said:
Correction, no one likes any war. Period. Justified or not.
Do you LIKE World War 2? No. No one likes millions of people dying and killing each other. That was my point-war is never fun.

Correct, but war is even worse when you dont know why your fighting and dieing, and you have no reason to be doing so.
WWII, was a war we had to fight and win for survival. Iraq isnt.

ChadMKIII said:
Maybe you don't understand this, but if we pull out now, the terrorists will regain control. The civilians who would like peace can't stand up to the terrorists yet, they aren't prepared. They would simply be oppressed again, and we would have lost a few thousand soldiers and gotten nothing accomplished. We would be stabbing the Iraqi's in the back, and dishonoring those who died.
If we allowed civil war to happen, and supposing that the Iraqi's stood up to the terrorists, it would simply be another bloodbath. Instead of a few thousand, we would now have tens, maybe hundreds of thousands of Iraqi's dead. While I am not for losing more American troops, is one human's life intrensically more valuable than another, simply beacuse he is of the same nationality? Thus, the less life lost, the better.
check the numbers buddy, they are already LOSING tens of thousands.
when someone else fights for you, you feel more secure and feel you have no say so once its time for you to speak.

ChadMKIII said:
True, but it has nothing to do with what I said. They can still function in normal society without raping and killing a 14 year old girl and her family. This guy completely lost it. As the article you presented said:

People that saw just as terrible of things in WW2 don't go around raping and killing now. It is very sad what has happened to some of them, but most can still function well in society without killing people. I never said they wouldn't break down if pressed about brutal scenes they might have encountered.
Thats because WWII, they had a purpose, an objective. A mission.
here they dont know WTF they are fighting for anymore.

ChadMKIII said:
Well, not to nitpick, but its not Catholic, just regular old Christian. But once again, you prove my point. As you state 'when your parents don't know any better, arent held to any standars, live off drug money and a gov't check, your children will think the same' (slightly paraphrased). It has NOTHING to do with being poor, it has to dow with being held to high standards REGARDLESS of your situation. If a parent fails to teach his or her child that because they are living off drug money, that person is not doing a good job of parenting. But being poor doesn't mean that you should be held to lower standards. All men are equal. And, as you conveniently ignored, there are also many, many very rich people who steal and cheat in their businesses all the time.

its a vicious cycle, if the parents wont do it, and havent stepped in, and for generations.
you cant expect the parents to do it anymore, some where someone else needs to step in and correct the problem. because sooner or later it will become everyones problem.

ChadMKIII said:
The troops they get has nothing to do with the poverty. It has to do with the religion these children grew up with and the way the parents raised them. It is specifically in the Qur'an to kill Infadels. Thus, they believe they are obeying their religion by killing Jews and Christians. Also, Paradise is not guaranteed to Muslims just for being a Muslim, so when a kid is promised to instantly go to Paradise and have 72 virgins awaiting him, and his parents are proud for him to do that, and the general culture supports that, and he is told it is the Will of God, why would he have a problem with it. Yes, many who join do join because they are poor and don't like their earthly life anyway, but thats not the main reason.

I didnt say it did, I was compairing poverty to brainwashing.

ChadMKIII said:
Hahaha, what do poll numbers show? That 65% of the nation is also as uneducated and incorrect as yourself?
Abraham Lincoln had an approval rating as low as 16% during the Civil War. Do you think it was wrong because 84% of the nation didn't like it? Of course not. Popularity has nothing to do with right or wrong.

The masses dont lie.
So your saying that this war in Iraq is justified?
If anything Iraq was in the hands of a dictator, but so is cuba, but we havent started a war with them. there are about 30 other places with ruthless dictators that deserver to be rebuilt more that Iraq does.
Look at Iran. we know the majority of the terrorist, came from Iran and alot of places BUT Iraq. yet we insisted on attacking them.
what about Afraghanistan? you still havent answered why we moved the majority of troops from there to Iraq in such short notice.

ChadMKIII said:
And I hope we're not fighting a war on education. Perhaps one for education. :)

A good teacher could get them in line. And this doesn't negate the fact that the funding in badly misused. If it were properly spent, we could do better with much less. Money sent through a beaurocracy is money lost.

Anyway, the original point to this thread was that its not the wars fault that this kid turned out like that. That was all I was trying to say. Have a good day.

So basicly your saying that money is wasted but the money for Iraq isnt?


Yup, Thats The G/F
Jul 14, 2006
Bay Area, Ca
I'm running Firefox. And on a Mac, too! I think there is some memory conflict somewhere, I just haven't had time to investigate. Que sera, sera.

In a sort of roundabout way you could say we set the stage for him to take power, but I don't think you could say we actually 'put him in power'. That would be implying a direct installation, which never occured. I guess we're fighting semantics here :)

And yes a recruiter does background checks, but I don't think they do a full mental health check where they would see if he wants to be a killer and rapist. I'm just saying I don't think they positively knew this kid joined foe the express reason of killing. Maybe they did, but I don't think so. Of course they knew about his record, though.

Most of the soldiers know why they're fighting and dying. Its to eliminate the guerilla terrorists. Its to help the Iraqi's have peace, freedom, and a democracy, like we enjoy in the US. There will always be the few who whine and complain that they actually have to fight in the military, because they signed up just for a free education in the hopes of getting out before a war.

D34DC311 said:
its a vicious cycle, if the parents wont do it, and havent stepped in, and for generations.
you cant expect the parents to do it anymore, some where someone else needs to step in and correct the problem. because sooner or later it will become everyones problem.
Unfortunately, thats what the police have to do. But it shouldn't be their responsibility to train the kids-that's the parent's. And saying a kid stole something because he was poor so we need to go easy on him just furthers the vicious cycle-we need to treat everyone the same, regardless of demographics.

D34DC311 said:
The masses dont lie.
So your saying that this war in Iraq is justified?
If anything Iraq was in the hands of a dictator, but so is cuba, but we havent started a war with them. there are about 30 other places with ruthless dictators that deserver to be rebuilt more that Iraq does.
Look at Iran. we know the majority of the terrorist, came from Iran and alot of places BUT Iraq. yet we insisted on attacking them.
what about Afraghanistan? you still havent answered why we moved the majority of troops from there to Iraq in such short notice.

If the masses are misinformed by our national media and do not think for themselves, then yes, they can lie quite easily. IMHO, yes, this war is justified. I honestly don't know Bush's true motive for going in, no one can prove it was for oil. But he continually BSed UN inspectors, ignored UN Resolutions, and wouldn't allow the inspectors in many places. We KNOW he had weapons, bio, chemical, WMDs, w/e you like. Just because we haven't come across them doesn't mean they don't exist. He used them against the Kurds, right? Why wouldn't he have more? I don't think Cuba has a huge stockpile of missiles, etc, do you?

Wouldn't you say the masses were 'lying' or just plain wrong in the Civil War? Or would you prefer to use a double standard? People often just want whatever will increase their income, regardless of the reasons for it.
We also know Iraq gave plenty of funding to terrorists. We know about the Oil for Food scandal, etc, and we know Hussein was one of the worst violators of human rights.

As to why we moved the main concentration of troops to Iraq, I can't give you the reason we truly did that, cuz no one but Bush and the military brass and other hi level people that can say for sure. Obviously we are meeting more resistance there, so more troops are needed. Finding Osama in Afghanistan is like finding a needle in a haystack. It would've taken massive manpower and mula to scour the mountains in search of him and his crew.

And for the school funding, I'm not saying we're wasting money by giving it to schools. What I'm saying is that the funding is badly, badly misused by the schools. If the money was spent wiser it would be a great investment, and investing in future generations is one of the best investments you can make. But it needs to be handled properly. That's all I was saying.

And we need to spend money on Iraq in order to protect our troops. Would you want to be a soldier in Iraq and have your funding cut? That would be detrimental to their safety.

Man, if I have any more posts quoting you, your gonna be DeadCell from now on, those numbers are killing me :) And was your last post more quotes from me than you talking? lol


Hi Guys

I heard about Private Green (he's been implicated in an alleged
massacre of
Iraqi civilians, including the brutal rape of a young girl. He has yet
to go to
trial.) Green (this was prior to his being put in the brink/jail for
alleged crimes), was discharged from the U.S. army. He was released
(and would
not be called up EVER again) because he had been identified as having
a "personality disorder." Even though he was identified as having
this "problem," he was given an honourable discharge. His "personality
disorder" is that of a "psychopath." You won't find this "disorder"
written up
in the psychiatric, diagnostic literature (that is the DSMIV -- the
and Statistical Manual revised, 4th edition -- since being recognized
diagnosed as a "psychopath" does NOT necessarily mean "you are a
criminal" --
nor does the designation indicate a psychological "sickness" or illness
being, say, a the DSMIV, you will find write-ups
on every
imaginable mental's how psychiatrists diagnose
you won't find "psychopath" in the manual.) Anyway, in almost every
unit, you'll find the "psychopaths." (again, it's a personality
There's a Canadian prof who's spent his life researching psychopaths.
come up with an inventory (that is, you give the person a
questionnaire; it's a
check-list) of reconizable characteristics...that's how you identify
Anyway, not everyone who serves in the military is a psychopath...(and
the ones
who are, hmmm..., usually they don't last too long...."accidents"



New Member
Aug 27, 2005
Southern California
One bad apple doesn’t spoil the entire basket. I feel if today's Americans had the stomach like our parents and grandparents did 50 years ago. We would have gone conquered and came home already. We need movies like Know your enemy Japan, and Know your enemy Germany, this way we would educate more of the tiptoe through the tulips folks that are programming today’s young folks with negative views on what we are going to accomplish in Iraq. Yes I believe it will be a success in the long run. My daughter is military and Very patriotic about her country. That being said I believe MOST are like her. Just as we have Bad cops in every city we have bad soldiers. We weed them out and continue the fight. The problem is most media focuses on those INDIVIDUALS in a way that makes allot of people think all military folks are like that. God Bless America, We go we kick ass and we come home, that’s what makes us different than every other country on the planet.



Yup, Thats The G/F
Jul 14, 2006
Bay Area, Ca
Nick M said:
What does this have to do with Viet Nam? Because it is like the war crimes John Kerry says he committed?

I think DeadCell was trying to compare the War in Iraq to something completely different, like the War in Vietnam.

Actually, the biggest similarity I see is that John Kerry is once again being a traitorous fool and saying we're screwed and belittling our troops. :3d_frown:

Rick, dude, right on. Thank your daughter for me for serving our country, we need more people like that.


Supramania Contributor
Some little known history about Iran and Iraq.

1) In the 70's, Iran was our ally. A very strong ally in fact. Stronger than the Saudi's, and our government supported and was on very good terms with Iran and the Shaw of Iran. (The rulling family for many years.)

2) Russia hated the fact that we had so many "friendly" nations to their imediate South.

3) The current Shite based government of Iran was losing power as people became better educated, and started to enjoy more freedoms.

Here is where it all went wrong. In about 76, President Carter came over to Iran and during his visit, made a total ass of himself. (No much has changed, he's still a total ass, and makes a fool of America wherever he goes. Just look at Haiti.)
Anyway, after insulting our good friends in Iran, he comes back home to the USA and instructs the CIA to stop paying the 40 million dollars a year in bribe money to the Shite Moslems to keep the peace in Iran. Yep, we screwed up Iran for just a paltry 40 million dollars a year.
The bribes stopped, and inside of a year, the Shites were creating all kinds of problems inside Iran, and with the help of the Russians in the form of money and advice. (Now, don't get me wrong, the everyday Iranian hates the Russians more than we do, so that was not long lived, but the Shites used the Russians for all they were worth, then killed them when the Shaw left power, and they took over.)
Ok, back to Iran. When the Shaw and his family left, and the Shites took over, they killed off anyone who did not agree with them. (This was quite a few people actually, most of the generals, and anyone who did not manage to leave quickly and got trapped in Iran either professed undying devotion to the Shites, or they were slaughtered.)
So, we provided a safe place for the Shaw and his family to hole up and spend the billions they left with and the Shite goverment of Iran decided to take our embassy hostage to get the Shaw returned to them. Did not work, and in the process, Carter managed to screw up the attempt at a rescue by micromanageing the process and setting them down in a sandstorm with a pretty fucked up plan using lots of men and machines when they should have just used smaller teams working with broader military support. (That's all old debate, and I was only a yound kid then, so I only know what I've heard from the people who were involved in this at the time.)

After the hostages, we pretty much hated Iran, and have to this day. Thus when the Iran/Iraq war was ongoing, we sided up with Iraq to help them kick the shit out of Iran as much as possible. (Bad call then, and we knew that Saddam was a bastard, but he was our bastard... )

So, there is the recient Middle East history for tonight.... LOL

Totally changes the view that Republicans started this war in Iraq... Actually it was all put into motion by a peanut farmer from GA who still has not figured out that he's the biggest ass wipe on the butt of international politics.


Supramania Contributor
Oh, we need to tie up where we are now, vs where we were then.

So, Iraq and Iran stop killing each other after at least 6 million deaths. (I've actually heard it was more like 20 million total died in that war, but only 6 million of them are claimed to have died...)

Iraq has a large army, battle hardend from years of combat with Iran, and they want the oil to the South in Kuwait. They decide to take it in 1989, and invade that summer. (I was in Saudi Arabia that summer, so I guess I'm bad luck for the Middle East... I was in Iran when the Shaw left too... I wonder what would happen if I went back to Israel...? LOL)
So, the world freaks out, oil prices go crazy, and for whatever reason, Saddam decides not to run over the Saudi's and he stops in Kuwait. We have a year to put troops and material on the ground, and then proceed to kick the living shit out of his battle hardend troops in 91. The war is over in a few weeks, and Bush Sr. does the worst thing possible. He stops at the road to Basra because the idiot media here has round the clock coverage of the carnage there. (We blocked up the retreating Iraq army, and as planned, wiped them out there. Letting the media anywhere near that road was a huge mistake.)

So now 15 years later we are back in Iraq cleaning up what we should have done the first time after screwing up what was in place 20 years before... I just hope we have the perserverance to get it done right this time around so we don't have to go back a third time..

So, those of you calling Iraq our next Viet Nam, I say to you, go suck on Jane Fonda's pussy and dried up tits. She's the only one who cares, and will give you the time of day. (That bitch needs to die, and the sooner the better.) Actually stick her and Moore into the same grave and the world would be a better place.
As Americans, we need to choose our battles well, and then kick the shit out of our enemies. Anything less, and we will become the next Rome, or Persian Empire or take your pick of great societies that have then collapsed into ruin. America is on that path to becoming a footnote in history. The greatest power on earth, and now just a memory in a text book on history.

Grow some balls, or get defeated by the muslems who want to destroy us. I choose not to become a footnote in history, and think radical Islam belongs in the grave with "Hanoi" Jane and Michael "911" Moore.... LOL\

Oh, and bad egg, crazy soldiers like this current butt nugget? Who cares? They are crazy bastards here in society, and not any different in the military. Too bad his comanding officers did not figure this out sooner, and have his ass wasted before he could cause problems. Or at least kicked out of the service before he could cause them grief. (The former is more simple and better for society than the later, but either would have been better than what we have now.)
Last edited:


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Nick M said:
What does this have to do with Viet Nam?
It has nothing to do with that luney.
I compairing it to VietNam because we are fighting a war we cant win the way we are going at it currently.
Our soldiers dont know who is friend or foe. Our guys(some deserve it) are being charged for war crimes, when some of this shit is uncalled for.
The end that everyone keeps talkin about has been out of site for some time now. How do you suppose we are going to re-esablish the government when we cant even control the poeple.
Everything in this War with Iraq, IS BASICLY JUST LIKE VIETNAM.
NO real objective, no real end.
Only death of Iraqies and americans.
and no real reason or given reason of why we are over there.
And it wasnt cause of WMD, Cause those things just dont dissappear into thin air.

Adjuster said:
So, those of you calling Iraq our next Viet Nam, I say to you, go suck on Jane Fonda's pussy and dried up tits. She's the only one who cares, and will give you the time of day. (That bitch needs to die, and the sooner the better.) Actually stick her and Moore into the same grave and the world would be a better place.
As Americans, we need to choose our battles well, and then kick the shit out of our enemies. Anything less, and we will become the next Rome, or Persian Empire or take your pick of great societies that have then collapsed into ruin. America is on that path to becoming a footnote in history. The greatest power on earth, and now just a memory in a text book on history.
Iraq is just like veitnam, we arent winning, we arent losing. I'm no fuckin liberal either, I want the crazy religious war mongerals in the middle east to burn in hell, but attacking Iraq WASNT the step we should have taken.
We went into afraghanstan, and I said hell yea, fcuk'em up and rebuild.
But they didnt do that, they pussied out and went for Iraq.
As you have said, "to please daddy". But this whole post had nothing to do about why we were over there. It essencially was because I feel that they want our soldiers to become Iraq's police, and walk around tellin them not to do bad things, when we are getting killed and shot at. They arent fighting a war adjuster, they are on a peace mission that bush thinks will work by reinstallling the same dipshits that fucked it up in the first place.
You did hear that Iraq may be splittting into 3 separate countries/states right?
Why, because they still cant agree on it.

Adjuster said:
Grow some balls, or get defeated by the muslems who want to destroy us. I choose not to become a footnote in history, and think radical Islam belongs in the grave with "Hanoi" Jane and Michael "911" Moore.... LOL\

Sadamm after the ass kickin we gave him in 91, wasnt going to fuck with us. It would have been Iran or Afraghanistan, but guess what we went after Sadam neways. Where is all the shit bush said was going to happen in Afraghanistan? We knew the WTC's were going to be hit, how come we didnt stop that? you are all for the war on terror, yet you dont know why we are going about it like we are right now.
Still no one has yet to answer my question of why we moved the majority of troops from afraghanistan to Iraq so quickly. Why not Iran? or North Korea, both of those are waving Nukes in our face. and we want to settle them in a political manor.

Adjuster said:
Oh, and bad egg, crazy soldiers like this current butt nugget? Who cares? They are crazy bastards here in society, and not any different in the military. Too bad his comanding officers did not figure this out sooner, and have his ass wasted before he could cause problems. Or at least kicked out of the service before he could cause them grief. (The former is more simple and better for society than the later, but either would have been better than what we have now.)

To bad indeed.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
suprageezer said:
One bad apple doesn’t spoil the entire basket. I feel if today's Americans had the stomach like our parents and grandparents did 50 years ago. We would have gone conquered and came home already. We need movies like Know your enemy Japan, and Know your enemy Germany, this way we would educate more of the tiptoe through the tulips folks that are programming today’s young folks with negative views on what we are going to accomplish in Iraq. Yes I believe it will be a success in the long run. My daughter is military and Very patriotic about her country. That being said I believe MOST are like her. Just as we have Bad cops in every city we have bad soldiers. We weed them out and continue the fight. The problem is most media focuses on those INDIVIDUALS in a way that makes allot of people think all military folks are like that. God Bless America, We go we kick ass and we come home, that’s what makes us different than every other country on the planet.


I have a cussin and 2 friends in Iraq right now, my cusin is on the front line right now, the 2 other friends were in bradley units that assulted baghdad, when the war started, they are now in the back lines, sorta.

I have nothing wrong with wiping out the yahoos, who are causing all this BS, but shouldnt we start with one country at a time, in stead of 2-3 or 4?
I was all for taken out bin laden, and his talaban, but we didnt, we attacked, then moved to Iraq. WTF, we arent Rebuilding Afraghanistan, we just used it as a way to move into Iraq. So how can you say there is a end in site, when we arent even sticking to the orginal objectives, in the first place.
Rebuild afraghanistan first, then move to Iraq, then Iran, ect.
Dont say something, half ass it, then move to something else.


New Member
Aug 27, 2005
Southern California
I totally admit I know nothing about what really goes on since ALL I know is what I read, see and hear about the war on terror. Can you admit the same thing publicly? We all have different sources opf info input. I try very hard to balance my views with input from all points of view. From I read, and see we will help Iraq become the democratic government it has been in the past. Iraq and Iran are the birth places of christinaity, the masses are usually well educated and christian but have been supressed by muslim rulers for far too long. They use these countries much the same as the drug cartels use Mexico, the difference being Drug Cartels are smart enough not to allow maniacs to come into america and blow the shit our of buildings and people. Imagine what we would do if that took place, so they take thier lumps and continue business as usual. In the middleeast on the other hand is a whole different story, If we allow these murderers to reign in country after country how long do you think it will be before they are here? Just like prior to our involvement in WWII there were naysayes such as yourself only 100 fold the amount of protestors we saw in all of Vietnam. History shows THEY were wrong then, and History will show you are wrong now in believeing we cant fight the war on terror in more than one place at a time. Try being more patriotic, try encouraging more people to do the same and maybe just maybe all of us thinking positive and working together can WIN for future American People. I too have talked to many folks that have sereved in Iraq, Heroes in my book, always have been always will be. What I have learned from them is positive. I have spoken to grunts, drivers, pilots, and admin personal, so I fell my views are well rounded. My point in the original post was Back America Damit, it's all you have, dont try and think you can comprehend whats happening in the war on terror it's far bigger than any one mind can handle. So we need to admit to ourselves we truly know nothing about what's going other tyhan what we read, see and hear. Either your for us or your against us simple as that. I am and always will be for anything my governmnet does since I know I am clueless to the true facts, just the way it's supposed to be unless I choose to become the President myself and make those decisions myself. I am not easily programmed by the TV box or newpapers who's subscriptions are decling year after year.

God Bless America.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
suprageezer said:
I totally admit I know nothing about what really goes on since ALL I know is what I read, see and hear about the war on terror. Can you admit the same thing publicly? We all have different sources opf info input. I try very hard to balance my views with input from all points of view. From I read, and see we will help Iraq become the democratic government it has been in the past. Iraq and Iran are the birth places of christinaity, the masses are usually well educated and christian but have been supressed by muslim rulers for far too long. They use these countries much the same as the drug cartels use Mexico, the difference being Drug Cartels are smart enough not to allow maniacs to come into america and blow the shit our of buildings and people. Imagine what we would do if that took place, so they take thier lumps and continue business as usual. In the middleeast on the other hand is a whole different story, If we allow these murderers to reign in country after country how long do you think it will be before they are here? Just like prior to our involvement in WWII there were naysayes such as yourself only 100 fold the amount of protestors we saw in all of Vietnam. History shows THEY were wrong then, and History will show you are wrong now in believeing we cant fight the war on terror in more than one place at a time. Try being more patriotic, try encouraging more people to do the same and maybe just maybe all of us thinking positive and working together can WIN for future American People. I too have talked to many folks that have sereved in Iraq, Heroes in my book, always have been always will be. What I have learned from them is positive. I have spoken to grunts, drivers, pilots, and admin personal, so I fell my views are well rounded. My point in the original post was Back America Damit, it's all you have, dont try and think you can comprehend whats happening in the war on terror it's far bigger than any one mind can handle. So we need to admit to ourselves we truly know nothing about what's going other tyhan what we read, see and hear. Either your for us or your against us simple as that. I am and always will be for anything my governmnet does since I know I am clueless to the true facts, just the way it's supposed to be unless I choose to become the President myself and make those decisions myself. I am not easily programmed by the TV box or newpapers who's subscriptions are decling year after year.

God Bless America.

@ chad also.

I back america %100, and I think you have miscomprehended my post.
I want to fight this war on terror, but I feel we are going about the wrong way with it.

Now do you understand me?
Besides this nut case, I'm saying if your going to fight a war, dont put a bunch of red tape in front of our soldiers.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
I compairing it to VietNam because we are fighting a war we cant win the way we are going at it currently.
Actually, we are winning, and can still win in the end. We won in Viet Nam, problem is, we left.
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