Wow, firefox man, firefox.ChadMKIII said:D34DC311,
Once again, I had a long response and my browser crashed. Here goes again.
ChadMKIII said:We DID NOT specifically put Saddam into power, nor specifically give Saddam weapons.
We supported a coup by the Ba'athists, of which Saddam just happened to be a young member, like any other member. He eventually got into power after a THIRD coup put a Ba'athist general into power, he came after that general. We did not specifically install Saddam.
So, we did put him in power then, We put in those who at the time were fighting those we were fighting.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
ChadMKIII said:Next, we did not specifically give Saddam weapons. We gave some arms to the Ba'athists in the 1960's. While some of these did end up being used against the Kurds, the majority of the major weapons, and the modern weapons, were courtesy of other world powers who are not particularly good friends with the U.S.
Again, not directly did we give him weapons, but we did.
???ChadMKIII said:First, it has nothing to do with popularity. Next, we have no idea what the recruiters knew about this kid. We're both just speculating, so its a moot point.
so your saying that a recruiter doesnt do back ground checks?
They know everything about you when you join, to say they didnt is plain stupid. Its no moot point, they knew about the kid.
ChadMKIII said:Correction, no one likes any war. Period. Justified or not.
Do you LIKE World War 2? No. No one likes millions of people dying and killing each other. That was my point-war is never fun.
Correct, but war is even worse when you dont know why your fighting and dieing, and you have no reason to be doing so.
WWII, was a war we had to fight and win for survival. Iraq isnt.
LOLChadMKIII said:Maybe you don't understand this, but if we pull out now, the terrorists will regain control. The civilians who would like peace can't stand up to the terrorists yet, they aren't prepared. They would simply be oppressed again, and we would have lost a few thousand soldiers and gotten nothing accomplished. We would be stabbing the Iraqi's in the back, and dishonoring those who died.
If we allowed civil war to happen, and supposing that the Iraqi's stood up to the terrorists, it would simply be another bloodbath. Instead of a few thousand, we would now have tens, maybe hundreds of thousands of Iraqi's dead. While I am not for losing more American troops, is one human's life intrensically more valuable than another, simply beacuse he is of the same nationality? Thus, the less life lost, the better.
check the numbers buddy, they are already LOSING tens of thousands.
when someone else fights for you, you feel more secure and feel you have no say so once its time for you to speak.
Thats because WWII, they had a purpose, an objective. A mission.ChadMKIII said:True, but it has nothing to do with what I said. They can still function in normal society without raping and killing a 14 year old girl and her family. This guy completely lost it. As the article you presented said:
People that saw just as terrible of things in WW2 don't go around raping and killing now. It is very sad what has happened to some of them, but most can still function well in society without killing people. I never said they wouldn't break down if pressed about brutal scenes they might have encountered.
here they dont know WTF they are fighting for anymore.
ChadMKIII said:Well, not to nitpick, but its not Catholic, just regular old Christian. But once again, you prove my point. As you state 'when your parents don't know any better, arent held to any standars, live off drug money and a gov't check, your children will think the same' (slightly paraphrased). It has NOTHING to do with being poor, it has to dow with being held to high standards REGARDLESS of your situation. If a parent fails to teach his or her child that because they are living off drug money, that person is not doing a good job of parenting. But being poor doesn't mean that you should be held to lower standards. All men are equal. And, as you conveniently ignored, there are also many, many very rich people who steal and cheat in their businesses all the time.
its a vicious cycle, if the parents wont do it, and havent stepped in, and for generations.
you cant expect the parents to do it anymore, some where someone else needs to step in and correct the problem. because sooner or later it will become everyones problem.
ChadMKIII said:The troops they get has nothing to do with the poverty. It has to do with the religion these children grew up with and the way the parents raised them. It is specifically in the Qur'an to kill Infadels. Thus, they believe they are obeying their religion by killing Jews and Christians. Also, Paradise is not guaranteed to Muslims just for being a Muslim, so when a kid is promised to instantly go to Paradise and have 72 virgins awaiting him, and his parents are proud for him to do that, and the general culture supports that, and he is told it is the Will of God, why would he have a problem with it. Yes, many who join do join because they are poor and don't like their earthly life anyway, but thats not the main reason.
I didnt say it did, I was compairing poverty to brainwashing.
ChadMKIII said:Hahaha, what do poll numbers show? That 65% of the nation is also as uneducated and incorrect as yourself?
Abraham Lincoln had an approval rating as low as 16% during the Civil War. Do you think it was wrong because 84% of the nation didn't like it? Of course not. Popularity has nothing to do with right or wrong.
The masses dont lie.
So your saying that this war in Iraq is justified?
If anything Iraq was in the hands of a dictator, but so is cuba, but we havent started a war with them. there are about 30 other places with ruthless dictators that deserver to be rebuilt more that Iraq does.
Look at Iran. we know the majority of the terrorist, came from Iran and alot of places BUT Iraq. yet we insisted on attacking them.
what about Afraghanistan? you still havent answered why we moved the majority of troops from there to Iraq in such short notice.
ChadMKIII said:And I hope we're not fighting a war on education. Perhaps one for education.
A good teacher could get them in line. And this doesn't negate the fact that the funding in badly misused. If it were properly spent, we could do better with much less. Money sent through a beaurocracy is money lost.
Anyway, the original point to this thread was that its not the wars fault that this kid turned out like that. That was all I was trying to say. Have a good day.
So basicly your saying that money is wasted but the money for Iraq isnt?