Oh my god. I had so much good stuff written and fucking firefox screws me again!!!
Well, I'm not going to retype everything so I'll just hit some key points.
Didn't read the last 6 pages, posts were too long, but I'm gonna talk about from Vietnam to now.
Vietnam, we were actually winning this war until politicans used it as a political platform to win seats in our government. It was really the first war that the media could show unfolding in real time, and people couldn't stomach what they saw. Politicians used this new sensationlism caused by the media as a leg for their political stance and in turn, screwed us royally.
The chain of command for our military changed as a result of the politicans and it's pretty much still this way. Instead of our commanders on the ground choosing targets, making war plans and executing them...politicians now picked the targets, told the president, the president then okay'ed them, and then the commanders were told, then the commanders made the plans, and tried to execute them.
Only problem with that...when a target was finally chosen, the target was no longer there. Sensationalism and micromanagement lost us Vietnam and for the most part has made us lose every war since.
The result of this practice since Vietnam, half assed battles, half resolved conflicts...resentment against the US...and long drawn out wars. In today's age any military of a modern society should really be able to win a war in months, due to more devastating weapons and higher accuracy and precision. But thanks to politicians having to have their greedy hands in the pot...we end up with problems...problems...problems.
The media doesn't help either. Two things run our country now...ratings and money. We have practically ZERO leaders left here with any kind of morals or integrity. From a young age we're taught that winning is success and to kind of win by any means neccessary. Unfortunately, this translates into everything EXCEPT for war for whatever reason. We go in with no goals and no intention to win...without the intent of victory, defeat is only a matter of time.
But anyway, back to the media. You can see the "win by any means neccessary" mentality everyday. Take Pallywood for instance.
Link to Pallywood video News outlets rush to get ANYTHING out before their competition, they never really stop to think if they should release what they have or if what they have is a true account of what's happening. It creates the sensationlism they're looking for, leads to the ratings they live for...and ultimately brings them money, they're real goal. They don't give a shit about the people in need or those suffering. You can also see that when you have a news anchor be like "And we truly...truly feel sorry for the families in Lebanon *insert fake care and concern face here*...in other news Britney Spears is pregnant!! ZOMG!!!11!! :love: "