:madfawk:AHHHHH!!!! This damn car hates me!!! :cry: Today on my supra drama I decided to T the wastegate:naughty:. Went for a test drive w/ my co-worker Jose. The car ran great till second gear. It spun the tires, then hit fuel cut (wich should be at 20psi due to my Lexus AFM). Was gonna drive back to work then noticed that the wideband was reading REALY rich. It hit me right away that a IC pipe had come off. :icon_mad: Limpped back to work and got the car on the lift. Fixed the IC pipe (the fender portion from the IC had come off). Got the car back down, waited for it to cool a bit then un-shimmed the wastegate. Test drove, and no more problems and was boosting 18psi.
I felt great. :biggrinbo The Tial BOV sounded different because it was boosting 18 instead of the 9 it was shimmed at. Got to my boy Bucky's house and playing offered to race his brother Matt's G35. We go to take the car down the block (I hadn't noticed my E-Fans weren't on). 1st gear the car gets a bit sideways, the G35 pulls a car, 2nd gear im pulling him in, then end of the block. We go, we park back at his house and I we notice coolant pouring out under the front of the car... I run back and open the ignition to see the temp is above H and had a flashback of the BHG Icon


and was like OMG! I opened the hood to see the overflow tank pouring fluid out, then steaming, then all of a sudden the cap blew off and spewed hot coolant all over the right side of my face and right arm :madfawk: (in a quick reaction i turned to the left and put my right arm up to protect my face).
At first it didn't bother much, but afterwards it started to sting. Nothing too bad but my face got a bit red and well yeah, the stinging... I waited for the temp to go down so i could uncap the radiator. I couldn't see any Toyota Pink. Opened the overflow tank to see if there was anything left i could pour back into the radiator... nothing. Ageinst my better judgement, i got a near by hose and topped off my radiator, and reservoir :ban:. Cleaned up the top of the motor and engine bay from the signs of spilled coolant. Had noticed that my
E-fans weren't turning on and got curious. Checked the fuse for the FAL Fan Controller and as I suspected, it was melted :madfawk:. tried to find a fuse to put in, got the only other 30 amp fuse in the fuse box (can't remember what it is at the moment) and put it in the fuse holder for the fan controllers but nothing. Put the fuse back in the fuse box and waited till the temp was about a cm from the bottom line on the temp gauge.. started the car, no smoke. gave a few revs to like 1500-2000rpm, no smoke, motor sounded smooth. :x: Turned off the motor. Uncapped the radiator and the fluid was still ok. Waited again for the temp to settle near the bottom line. Seeing as I was only two blocks from my house, i turned on the car and quickly drove it home (trying not to get too much into boost). Its parked in the driveway at the moment. Just wanted to post what had happened today. gonna go take a shower and wash off the coolant.