hey jenny! n welcome!
while we are on the subject of rust...
i am in the prep stage of the na to turbo conversion and my heater hardpipes that run around the block were in pretty rough shape on the ends with corrosion. I'll post pics of before and after the clean up in a build thread at some point, but at this stage they are cleaned up and almost rust free.
I picked up some zinc marine use primer that is billed as self-sacrificing. As I understand it, the stuff binds with the metal and then protects it by giving itself up to corrosion. Seemed like a pretty cool idea to me but questionable and I was wondering if anyone has used this stuff to fight corrosion on the water hard pipes ends? Is this a Really bad idea? That pipe is $195 or something from toyota here in hicksville and no one around here want to try to bend me new ones.
Just curious
and yeah... girls get the hookup - guys, not so much =P