So tonight was a lot of was the longest day at work I think I have ever had, but its cause I wanted to get home really bad. So when I did I got right to the real work, and started.... reading? Yes, the Toyota bible that is

The sweet sweet TRSM:biglaugh:. So I got the jist of how to pull and the order to pull so I got started...and now the thing everyone is waiting

First off this little piece feel out when I first pulled off the main pulley. Anyone have any idea what it is? Cause im not to sure.
Lower timing plate cover. and timing belt
Oil bump gear
Just for me to remember
Rear tming cover is off
Starting taking off the main caps, and realized...the rear plate next to the flywheel, had to come off...only problem was that it was againt a engine stand, rookie move YES! I know, but we all learn somehow
So my new engine stand, cause they are peice of crap anyways :: lolsign ::
Got all the main caps off then the rod caps off, and removed he crank....they I noticed that all the bearings didnt come off and I think I found what my problem was.
The following are from the same crank lobe.
So if anyone has any ideas about going to post a seprate post in the 7m-gte forums just about this problem Cause idk if anyone reads the little sub titles for each picture. So ill see what happens then.
But anyways I got the other things out...not that they really matter

lol jk jk
So now my next move is to be getting the block hot tanked then machined. Depending on weather I go with stock pistons, or at most some .20 over pistons, ill have to wait till I purchase they can all go in together. Also have new freeze plugs installed. Then i'm going to have the crank micro polished and balanced. Umm after that I guess i'll start saving again lol for head work.