To The Fucks Who Tried To Break Into My Home, On The Fourth


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Enjoying the wounds? I hope you bleed to death or you will never be the same again. Next time don't pick a house with a Weimaraner in it...I'm now looking to buy a second one. Time to buy a gun....anyone have any good home protection suggestions hand gun wise?


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Stub nose revolvers are generally light and easy to wield. My brother has a 1911, awesome gun, but a little hefty to be using for self defense...


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
te72;1588472 said:
Stub nose revolvers are generally light and easy to wield. My brother has a 1911, awesome gun, but a little hefty to be using for self defense...

Why choose a snub nose revolver for home protection? Snub nose is great for concealed carry, not sure who is CC in their own home.

Shotgun for home protection can't be beat I think.


New Member
Jul 30, 2009
Clarksville TN
I vote for a Shotgun with rat shot, that way they bleed out in severe pain first, and also put a sign every night on your front door that says that the people across the street just got a brand new large screen flat panel tv. lol. At least they wont fuck with your place and if they do.....2 shots of rat shot will stop them where they are....and then you can watch them cry like a little girl in pain.


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
For home defense, shotgun hands down... Oh, and the only big dog that has ever attacked me was a weim (little rat dogs don't count because they're always fucked up from being carried around), damn thing was a crack head and randomly snapped on people (keep in mind I worked at Petsmart so I saw hundreds of dogs).

holy fucking run on sentence batman!


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
Get yourself a cheap, well made 12GA shotgun. It's one of the most practical home defense guns, it's easy to handle, doesn't require a whole lot of skill or practice to deploy and generally scares the shit out of people. Also, your Weimaraner was bred as a gun dog, he'll think it's cool. :D

A Mossberg Maverick Model 88 Security (12GA) with an 18.5" smooth barrel will run you right at $190 - $210. This is the typical "cop" shotgun. Also Maverick 88 barrels are compatible with Mossberg 500 model barrels within gauge and capacity... This gives you a lot of options, accessories and spare parts to work with if you decide you want to do more with it later. Buy a couple of boxes of Federal 12 GA Low Recoil Tactical 00 Buckshot. The 88 will handle 3" magnums but skip it. That macho bullshit beats the hell out of your shoulder. If 2 3/4" 00 Buck won't do the job, you should have brought a machine gun... ;)

But seriously, get an 88 - You'll like it, it will be cheap, easy to shoot, it's well made and they do well even if mistreated and are never cleaned.

Just jacking a round into the chamber on these has been known to send bad guy running the other way. It's an ominous sound. Not to mention it will clear a hallway in a heartbeat and will make hamburger out of anyone who earns the business end of it.



New Member
Jul 30, 2009
Clarksville TN
One that you really do have to remember regardless of what weapon you choose. Watch what you shoot out of it. If you use a .44 Mag, you are a moron. Not only will that go through your intruder but also your walls and then the person in the next house that is scared shitless because they heard your first shot which missed by a mile because you were so scared. If it is one thing that the Army has taught me....and it makes complete sense, is watch what you shoot at because you never know what is behind it. Don't get all tunnel vision and shit and just start opening up on them. +1 to the buck shot ammo. It stops but doesn't go through 2-3 walls.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
7Matt-GE;1588524 said:
meh, i prefer magnums...there's alot a .44 can do to a persons insides ;)

And it's a moronically dangerous self defense load due to over penetration.

All that Dirty Harry shit sounds really nice until you accidentally kill your neighbor because your hand cannon passed through the wall, the chimney and the guy next doors head...

As I said recently:

Supracentral;1586825 said:
My reasoning for choosing my .45 (13 years ago - I've been carrying the same gun daily since '97) align well with the list above. I'm a pretty big guy (6'0" 220 lbs), I have really big hands, so a large frame fits well in my hand. I like the way my gun is built, the style of safety and controls, the fact that I can carry it cocked & locked with a round in the chamber. Concealment is not an issue in GA and I carry exposed about 1/2 the time. Cost of ammo isn't a factor for me in the grand scheme of things. .45 is easy to come by, and is very universal. The ballistics of .45 ACP are also a big plus for me. Very big and slow, over-penetration is not an issue, and it creates a massive wound cavity when striking a human. As much as I hate the term, it's got good "knock down power".

However for home defense, I've still got a 12GA.


Boobs/Boost, my favorite
Jun 13, 2006
Los Angeles
But what about the rights of the thieves? They have the right to personal freedom, and since they can't afford their own big screen, you must give up yours, it's only fair..!!!

Next time get a pitbull with aids, that'll scare 'em..!:D


Canadian Bacon
Mar 16, 2007
Alot of family members have died or been severely wounded by overpenetration of bullets through walls. I'm convinced that a shotgun is the best home defence based on that alone. Combined with the spread effect of buckshot, its brutal stopping power, and the phsycological impact of racking the action as SC mentioned... it could well be a home defence tool you never get to fire, making it pretty darn good.

You may find this interesting anyway:

But, in the end, what do Canadians know about home defence... if our dog bit an intruder, he could press charges.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
Keros;1588535 said:
if our dog bit an intruder, he could press charges.

Laws like that just give the homeowner motivation to be sure the guy leaves in a body bag instead of handcuffs....


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
In Canada, you can only get away with it when you can prove in court afterwards that you feared for your family's safety... which is some pretty broad territory.

My personal method has always been to ensure the police aren't involved. Criminals are rarely genius level folks - and the ones that are, generally aren't hitting residential houses. As a result, they won't bring the law into a situation unless you do. If you beat someone unconscious, then call the police, the criminal will sue. However, if you beat them and then drop them off near a hospital or clinic, they will make up some story about getting jumped by a gang of kids, or more likely, falling down a set of stairs. Or getting bitten by a random dog on the street.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
GrimJack;1588557 said:
In Canada, you can only get away with it when you can prove in court afterwards that you feared for your family's safety... which is some pretty broad territory.

That's the nice thing about living in a state that has sane laws:

O.C.G.A. § 16-3-23.1 said:
No duty to retreat prior to use of force in self-defense

A person who uses threats or force in accordance with Code Section 16-3-21, relating to the use of force in defense of self or others, Code Section 16-3-23, relating to the use of force in defense of a habitation, or Code Section 16-3-24, relating to the use of force in defense of property other than a habitation, has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and use force as provided in said Code sections, including deadly force.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Supracentral;1588520 said:
Get yourself a cheap, well made 12GA shotgun. It's one of the most practical home defense guns, it's easy to handle, doesn't require a whole lot of skill or practice to deploy and generally scares the shit out of people. Also, your Weimaraner was bred as a gun dog, he'll think it's cool. :D

A Mossberg Maverick Model 88 Security (12GA) with an 18.5" smooth barrel will run you right at $190 - $210. This is the typical "cop" shotgun. Also Maverick 88 barrels are compatible with Mossberg 500 model barrels within gauge and capacity... This gives you a lot of options, accessories and spare parts to work with if you decide you want to do more with it later. Buy a couple of boxes of Federal 12 GA Low Recoil Tactical 00 Buckshot. The 88 will handle 3" magnums but skip it. That macho bullshit beats the hell out of your shoulder. If 2 3/4" 00 Buck won't do the job, you should have brought a machine gun... ;)

But seriously, get an 88 - You'll like it, it will be cheap, easy to shoot, it's well made and they do well even if mistreated and are never cleaned.

Just jacking a round into the chamber on these has been known to send bad guy running the other way. It's an ominous sound. Not to mention it will clear a hallway in a heartbeat and will make hamburger out of anyone who earns the business end of it.


Will do, looking for one locally now. My neighborhood is so damn peaceful, its a bunch of old retired people and the fire department not 500 yards from us....fucking hate cock suckers like this.


^_^ got horespower?
Oct 16, 2006
Man, that really sucks that someone tried to break into your place on 4th of July of all days... and right here in TN to boot.
But hey, this is a perfect reason to buy that shotgun Mike posted up!