The wife is pissed!!!


Authorized Vendor
Jun 2, 2006
Tampa, Florida
Wow.. after reading this I feel lucky, I woke up on V-Day, and my wife (of 11 years) gave me the happy V-Day kiss, I thought she was hinting at something so to not get into a fight I said,
"So what would you like to do for V-Day? Its your choice!" She said and I quote

" We can just stay home and watch a movie.. You allready do enough for me every other day."

Now its true that I spent 3k (from my supra fund) on her SUV that she picked out and loves.. and we generally get allong. Currently she does not have a job and I pay all our bills. (that has slowed the biuld also) I am just happy she realized it without a fight! We watch a move (NETFLIX.COM - We watched one of the instant movies online) It was a nice time, just like every other day.