The (old) Official Gun Thread.

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Official SM Expert: Motor Oil, Lubricants & Fil
SM Expert
Feb 10, 2006
Valley of the Sun
Open carry is legal for anyone in AZ, no permit of any kind required. You have to have a CCW to carry concealed...this means that a CCW holder can carry concealed -or- open. Any business establishment can prohibit open carry on the premise by posting a sign on the door. Currently, carry of any kind is prohibited in any establishment serving alcohol...legislation is pending to change that for CCW holders.

To get a CCW in AZ you have to attend an 8 hour class that is heavy on safety and AZ gun laws. It also includes a couple hours of range time that you have to pass.


40mm BOOM
Mar 22, 2009
Sands of Iraq
jdub;1350250 said:
Open carry is legal for anyone in AZ, no permit of any kind required. You have to have a CCW to carry concealed...this means that a CCW holder can carry concealed -or- open. Any business establishment can prohibit open carry on the premise by posting a sign on the door. Currently, carry of any kind is prohibited in any establishment serving alcohol...legislation is pending to change that for CCW holders.

To get a CCW in AZ you have to attend an 8 hour class that is heavy on safety and AZ gun laws. It also includes a couple hours of range time that you have to pass.

God, I miss the land of sun and sand.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
I'm a member of Georgia Carry (, a citizens advocacy group working toward the reform of Georgia's poorly written, overly restrictive, ignored by the courts gun laws.

I just wanted to comment on our previous discussion a few posts ago about open carry by Georgia Firearms License holders in Georgia.

After a Roswell Municipal Court Marshal told a GCO member the member had to conceal his openly carried firearm, GCO brought the matter to the attention of the marshal’s supervisor and then wrote the municipal court judge a letter TODAY explaining the laws (or lack thereof) regarding open carry in Georgia. The details in the letter show that even the supervisor doesn't understand the law.

The letter is attached. Hopefully the judge knows the law and can straighten the marshall's office out.

This incident shows just how poorly the GA law is understood, not only by citizens, but by law enforcement as well, and why open carry is not something you want to do here if you don't have the time to engage in legal battles and drama with the local police.


  • Judge Hilliard 6-24-09.pdf
    61.6 KB · Views: 9


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Ok, so I've got the chance to buy a Taurus pt140 millennium pro .40 cal from a friend for $325, and I was wondering the pros and cons of the gun. I really don't need the gun, but he is leaving the state to train in Texas and he needs money for an Iphone so he can talk to his daughter and wife. So pros and cons please.

P.S. he said I should stress that it is the pro version.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
That's cool. I thought he was telling you what a great deal he was giving you........that sounds more like my friends.


Official SM Expert: Motor Oil, Lubricants & Fil
SM Expert
Feb 10, 2006
Valley of the Sun
Bonus: No tax and no Fed paperwork ;)

On another note, the gun club I'm a member of gives you a free machine gun rental and 2 mags during your birth month. Mine is June, so I headed down last Saturday to shoot their Mini Uzi:

Mini Uzi.jpg

Got 2 extra mags (25 round for this gun) just for grins...shot at 15 yards, practicing 3 round bursts. Here's the result:

Mini Uzi Target.jpg


Happy as hell :D
Jan 15, 2006
Mount Vernon, WA, USA
jdub;1350250 said:
Open carry is legal for anyone in AZ, no permit of any kind required. You have to have a CCW to carry concealed...this means that a CCW holder can carry concealed -or- open. Any business establishment can prohibit open carry on the premise by posting a sign on the door. Currently, carry of any kind is prohibited in any establishment serving alcohol...legislation is pending to change that for CCW holders.

To get a CCW in AZ you have to attend an 8 hour class that is heavy on safety and AZ gun laws. It also includes a couple hours of range time that you have to pass.

Washington is the same way. So long as you are atleast 21, not a felon, and not legally prohibited from owning a pistol you can open carry into most places unless otherwise posted (like my local mall or any place that you can drink alcohol for example). The local O'Reilley's asked me to not carry when I shop there, so I don't shop there anymore (even though I've made quite a few purchases from them lately).

Supracentral;1351198 said:
After a Roswell Municipal Court Marshal told a GCO member the member had to conceal his openly carried firearm, GCO brought the matter to the attention of the marshal’s supervisor and then wrote the municipal court judge a letter TODAY explaining the laws (or lack thereof) regarding open carry in Georgia. The details in the letter show that even the supervisor doesn't understand the law.

This incident shows just how poorly the GA law is understood, not only by citizens, but by law enforcement as well, and why open carry is not something you want to do here if you don't have the time to engage in legal battles and drama with the local police.

It's the same problem here in Washington Mike. The cops and most people for that matter have no clue about the gun laws. This is why I carry a pamphlet made up by that shows the Washington laws and statutes pertaining to open carrying.



Official SM Expert: Motor Oil, Lubricants & Fil
SM Expert
Feb 10, 2006
Valley of the Sun
honestabe;1356409 said:
Washington is the same way. So long as you are at least 21, not a felon, and not legally prohibited from owning a pistol you can open carry into most places unless otherwise posted (like my local mall or any place that you can drink alcohol for example). The local O'Reilley's asked me to not carry when I shop there, so I don't shop there anymore (even though I've made quite a few purchases from them lately).


This is also the same in AZ...didn't mean to imply everyone. We have our criminals here too that have forfeited the right to own a gun.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005



On a different, but still on topic note:

Went to the Cherokee County Courthouse to "renew" my carry permit. I say "renew" as I let it expire too long and now they consider all applications as "new" permit requests - no more streamlined renewals anyway.

Which would suck.

Except my permit showed up less than two weeks after I applied for it.

Seems like Cherokee, GA has its shit together.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
I don't know what the topic is since I haven't read anything other than this page, but when I applied for mine, I was told it would take five days for a background check but I got the call two days later saying I was approved for my CCL.

I now own a Keltek .380 and a Taurus .44mm. I don't know what makes one pistol better than another one, I just happend upon these from friends that were selling them.



New Member
Sep 30, 2008
Picked up a used but great condition Smith and Wesson AR15 a couple days ago. Already got a Surefire M500A forend and a Blackhawk single point sling. The flip up sights are pretty useless (no elevation adjustment on rear sight) so I am looking to get a decent RDS.
What do you experts (or anybody with experience) think about an Aimpoint Comp ML2? I shoot around 400m mostly. Thanks guys.



40mm BOOM
Mar 22, 2009
Sands of Iraq
Captain;1371071 said:
Picked up a used but great condition Smith and Wesson AR15 a couple days ago. Already got a Surefire M500A forend and a Blackhawk single point sling. The flip up sights are pretty useless (no elevation adjustment on rear sight) so I am looking to get a decent RDS.
What do you experts (or anybody with experience) think about an Aimpoint Comp ML2? I shoot around 400m mostly. Thanks guys.

Pretty rifle, but the Aimpoint Comps are CQB sights. If you shoot to 400m regularly, look into Trijicon's ACOG. Army standard is 300m and closer, so the CQB stuff is really geared for that. Some ACOGs have iron sights cast into the scope housing, so you have a cqb sight. Also, ACOGs do not require batteries.


Street Dragon
Jun 18, 2005
Reno, NV
Captain;1371071 said:
Picked up a used but great condition Smith and Wesson AR15 a couple days ago. Already got a Surefire M500A forend and a Blackhawk single point sling. The flip up sights are pretty useless (no elevation adjustment on rear sight) so I am looking to get a decent RDS.
What do you experts (or anybody with experience) think about an Aimpoint Comp ML2? I shoot around 400m mostly. Thanks guys.

Here is a good article I found:

Ditch the single point . . . unless you like having your balls kicked ;)


in reconstruction
May 9, 2005
alpharetta ga
just picked up a mossberg 500 shotgun.... going to the range tomorrow to test her out :)

got a colt .45 1911 officers ACP and a 30-30 as well.... and probably looking to get another handgun soon to add to the collection
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