The (old) Official Gun Thread.

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The Magnificent Seven
Oct 16, 2005
that's the exact one. my mom works at the ATK arsenal in Radford, Va. seems like theyve always got projects going on.


Senior Member
Mar 31, 2005
Joel W. said:
I own a kit built, flat top .223 Ar15 with scope and about 18, 30rd magazines now (its a compulsion). Currently shopping to replace the Glock 22 I had to sell last year, any suggestions?

Depends on if you want a full size or a compact. If you wanna stick with the 40, snag a G23. You can also get a 9mm barrel for that gun and a 357sig barrel as well. You could also try a G29 which is pretty much the same size as the G19/G23. It's a native 10mm gun, but you can get barrels to shoot 40sw, 357sig, 19x25 dillon, and im not sure but i think 9mm as well.

If you don't want to stay the glock route, I'd say a Sig 229. They can also do the three caliber dance (9mm,40,357sig) and shoot all of them from the same platform. But you have to start out with a 347sig or 40sw version to do that. Just like on the glock if you start with the 9mm model, you cant swap any other barrels into it.

If you think your AR mag addiction was bad before... Check out the new Magpul PMags. I forsee hundreds of dollars out of my pocket going to them this year just on mags.



Engineered from the ground up to be made of injection molded polymer.
- Patent Pending design allows for a more aggressive constant curve of ammo stack than found on other Nylon magazines.
- Made of "new to the market" reinforced polymer which is very strong and durable.
- Can be seated on closed bolt with full 30 rounds loaded.
- Snap cover protects feed lips during long term storage.
- Optional maglevel window version that can be read from both sides.
- Floorplate lock.
- Proprietary anti tilt follower.
- Debris grooves built into mag body.
- Molded in Black, Flat Dark Earth and OD
-Estimated retail price will be $11.95 for non window and $14.95 for dual Maglevel version.

Just 15 bucks for a mag that has all those integrated features? I wish Magpul was publicly traded, i would invest quite abit in them now. You're looking at what's gonna be the new standard for AR mags.

Can't wait to get my hands on some OD Green ones.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
Thanks for the info, that does help.. I do like the glock platform especially when I read other stories about the guys that have shot 100,000's rounds through them without a misfire or a feed jam with pack it with sand and shoot it under water type of abuses...

Personally, I shot 1000-1500+- rounds through mine and never had a jam or misfire. One hell of a gun in my opinion...I just wish they had an actual safety lever.. I will definately shoot a few sigs before I decide..

Nice magazines!!! They sure look to beat some of my old rusty stamped steel mags... I might have to grab a few of them..:love:


Senior Member
Mar 31, 2005
Well, Glock is coming out with new frames that incorporate a manual safety. I'm not a fan of manual safeties for CCW rigs. More stuff to fumble with in a life threatening situation, is not needed.

FYI, the Sigs don't have manual safeties either.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
Hmmm, very interesting about the safety levers. I never carried mine with one in the pipe on the road or at home anyways, but when I was on the range, the safety lever made me feel better or more relaxed knowing that it could not fire....

Here is a good reason for a safety or more training without one.....


Senior Member
Mar 31, 2005
Joel W. said:
Hmmm, very interesting about the safety levers. I never carried mine with one in the pipe on the road or at home anyways, but when I was on the range, the safety lever made me feel better or more relaxed knowing that it could not fire....

Here is a good reason for a safety or more training without one.....

No, she shouldn't have had her finger on the trigger. Your finger is the ultimate safety device, unless you are going to shoot within the next second or two, it should never be on the trigger. What she did was pure negligence. With someone like that moron woman cop, she would have shot that guy even if she had to flip the manual safety off.

I always have one in the pipe. Kinda defeats the purpose of CCW or home defense if when you pull the trigger nothing leaves the barrel. Having to chamber a round gives the badguy more than enough time to get his knife inside of you multiple times.

Watch this video. It's an eye opener for those who have never thought about it. Keep in mind, this is a police officer thats READY for the attack and doesnt even have to try chambering a round.


Feb 22, 2006
Columbus, Indiana
outofstep said:
No, she shouldn't have had her finger on the trigger. Your finger is the ultimate safety device, unless you are going to shoot within the next second or two, it should never be on the trigger. What she did was pure negligence. With someone like that moron woman cop, she would have shot that guy even if she had to flip the manual safety off.

I always have one in the pipe. Kinda defeats the purpose of CCW or home defense if when you pull the trigger nothing leaves the barrel. Having to chamber a round gives the badguy more than enough time to get his knife inside of you multiple times.

Watch this video. It's an eye opener for those who have never thought about it. Keep in mind, this is a police officer thats READY for the attack and doesnt even have to try chambering a round.

That's what I was told....never put your finger on the trigger unless you plan to shoot that person.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
Good video, I agree that not having one in the chamber can get you just as killed, just as fast, as having the saftey on. No arguements here man.

Also, I am not in law enforcment or into crime, combined with living in the country sticks was enough to put me foolishly at ease most of the time at home. Times are changing fast though..
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New Member
Mar 30, 2005
fairfax VA
damn $11 for those AR mags? i was reading down that post thinking they were gonna be wicked expencive. i got my regular 'ol steel double star mag for like $12 i think. Was thinking about getting one more mag, just might look into this. thanks for posting that OutOfStep.

i'll be heading home this weekend where my AR lower reciever, parts kit, and stock assembaly will be waiting. gonna be sweet.

aye mate

Hiatus over.
Mar 30, 2005
Heres a nice little piece we found in a trunk in my Grandmas attic.

Springfield Model 1884 .45-70




Can't wait to clean it up and head to the range!

Shytheed Dumas

For Sale
Mar 6, 2006
Louisville, KY
Nice find Aye Mate, but something that old might be worth getting check out by a gunsmith before taking to the range... :)

Here's my newest buy. Kel Tec P3AT:

Yes, it's only a .380, but it is amazingly small, and when my clothes just won't allow for my full sized 9mm, this fits neatly into the pocket of anything I would wear - even shorts. For it's size, the .380 packs more knock down power than anything comparable (.32acp, .25, .22, 22 mag, etc).

What say you?

aye mate

Hiatus over.
Mar 30, 2005
Shytheed Dumas said:
Nice find Aye Mate, but something that old might be worth getting check out by a gunsmith before taking to the range... :)

Been there. Done that. :)

They just said clean out the barrel and chamber and its good to go. Also need to look into getting it re-blued as there is some surface rust on the barrel an reciever.


Senior Member
Mar 31, 2005
souprat said:
damn $11 for those AR mags? i was reading down that post thinking they were gonna be wicked expencive. i got my regular 'ol steel double star mag for like $12 i think. Was thinking about getting one more mag, just might look into this. thanks for posting that OutOfStep.

i'll be heading home this weekend where my AR lower reciever, parts kit, and stock assembaly will be waiting. gonna be sweet.

Yep, it's got all the folks all kinds of worked up. The HK M16 mags like these cost like 40 bucks a mag, but dont have even 1/3 the features and are made of a much less durable material. I realy think that these are gonna replace the standard US GI mags.

I'm probably gonna buy about 30 of these as soon as they hit the market.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
I read once that in order to calculate the correct amount of mags and rounds one needs for "home land security", you need to put all your mags in a duffle bag and when you can no longer run with that bag and your rifle in hand, you might want to grab a few more magazines.


New Member
Aug 14, 2005
Dayton, Ohio
Just read the whole thread and enjoyed it immensely. Lots of good info and opinions in it. I'm not a huge gun freak, most I've ever had at any given time was probably 6, but I do have a carry permit. I'm exceptionally fond of 10mm auto, the ballistics speak for themselves. I do however carry a full size 1911 in .45 when the G29 is a bit much to conceal. LOL at the ass that said you can't conceal a 1911. That is the most naturally concealable, ergonomically effective pistol ever designed. Props to John Browning. I rue the day I sold my Gold Cup Delta, but I'll have another eventually. Best of both world's there.
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