Well I thought I would start a new build as the other build thread is crowded and mainly old stuff. Ill start off saying thanks to everyone in the supramania community, Many people have been a huge support and pushed me towards working harder and doing more to reach my goals. Two years ago in may I bought my first car and first supra. It was a 88 non turbo automatic with a blown head gasket. Back then I thought I would just get it running and drive it, That didn't last long. I loved drag racing so started hitting the track, Going out and running 17.1's @ 84 mph was the most fun I had. Ended up doing a simple NA-T setup and got it to a 12.7 on a stock CT26. It took me TONS of practice and focus to get it that quick, But still wasn't enough so a 57 trim CT went on. First time out did a 11.7 @ 118 mph but blew the felpro head gasket I put on when I bought the car, Lasted 25k miles and over 100 drag passes. Did a basic rebuild with a MHG and changed some settings went out and did a 11.5 @ 120, I was consistent running 11.5's and 11.6's all night and couldn't squeeze anything more out of the CT at full weight. On my last pass of the night I blew the ring lands off of one of the NPR pistons. I wanted to go faster and knew I needed to do more engine work to take more power. Pulled the engine and tore it down. Pretty much where Im at now. Car is at the shop sitting outside with no motor.
So the plans now are to build a setup that will get me into the 10's I have gone through a lot of options and decided to go with a mild bottom end, forged pistons and stock rods. Fully blue printed engine and built to race specs. Since I was NA-T I was high compression, being there are no off the shelf available NA forged pistons I am going with probe GTE pistons which have a compression ratio of 8.4:1. I will be removing as much material off the head and block as possible to raise the compression along with the thinest head gasket available.
Along with the new motor I will be using a 1JZ auto trans with a 3000 stall torque converter and a custom valve body done by yours truly! I will also be changing the rear end so my gears are longer as the 4.30 is causing me to have to go into over drive at the drag strip. Hopefully a 3.93 or 3.70 fixes that otherwise Ill have to raise the rev limiter. Picking a turbo was the next part, I wanted something that would still spool quick and still be able to reach the 500WHP mark through and auto trans at mild boost. The CT26 just wasn't going to cut it even if I went with a 60-1 wheel. I ended up going with a GT35 with a T3 .82 A/R exhaust side. This should still make great power and spool quick on the street.
Anyways thats it for now. The pistons and gasket set are already ordered so I can get started on the machine work of the block and start assembling it. Should be ordering the turbo end of this week and planning on having it running by the middle of the month. December 4th is Import face off and I will be there dialing it in! Can't wait, its coming up quick!
On the dyno at our 5000 sq ft shop here in Las Vegas
At Las Vegas motor speed way on my record setting stock based turbo 1/4 mile run! 11.5 @ 120.6 on boost only full weight with A/C, power steering and full interior!
Motor removed most recently
So the plans now are to build a setup that will get me into the 10's I have gone through a lot of options and decided to go with a mild bottom end, forged pistons and stock rods. Fully blue printed engine and built to race specs. Since I was NA-T I was high compression, being there are no off the shelf available NA forged pistons I am going with probe GTE pistons which have a compression ratio of 8.4:1. I will be removing as much material off the head and block as possible to raise the compression along with the thinest head gasket available.
Along with the new motor I will be using a 1JZ auto trans with a 3000 stall torque converter and a custom valve body done by yours truly! I will also be changing the rear end so my gears are longer as the 4.30 is causing me to have to go into over drive at the drag strip. Hopefully a 3.93 or 3.70 fixes that otherwise Ill have to raise the rev limiter. Picking a turbo was the next part, I wanted something that would still spool quick and still be able to reach the 500WHP mark through and auto trans at mild boost. The CT26 just wasn't going to cut it even if I went with a 60-1 wheel. I ended up going with a GT35 with a T3 .82 A/R exhaust side. This should still make great power and spool quick on the street.
Anyways thats it for now. The pistons and gasket set are already ordered so I can get started on the machine work of the block and start assembling it. Should be ordering the turbo end of this week and planning on having it running by the middle of the month. December 4th is Import face off and I will be there dialing it in! Can't wait, its coming up quick!
On the dyno at our 5000 sq ft shop here in Las Vegas

At Las Vegas motor speed way on my record setting stock based turbo 1/4 mile run! 11.5 @ 120.6 on boost only full weight with A/C, power steering and full interior!

Motor removed most recently